Saturday, April 14, 2018

Helper Natalie

Today was a great Saturday. The kids all did a super good job helping me cleaning the house today. It was especially good cause even Lily, Sophi, and Natalie got in the zone helping.
Usually these girls fly under the radar when we're giving marching orders. They'll quietly sneak off to play legos or whatever, but today I gave them a simple job that really needed to be done. I needed them to wash walls, because Daniel has been working diligently at developing his artistic abilities. He likes to draw on walls. We're trying to keep all writing up utensils off the floor, but Daniel's got some built in radar for finding them in the hidden corners of the house. And with those writing mediums, little D has created works of art on the walls and bookcases and anything and everything else that is between the 2 and 3 feet area of space above the floor. Natalie, Sophi, and Lily had their wash clothes and drying clothes and magic erasers and they were off! They can be good helpers, I just need to keep track of them and remind them. From Elder Maxwell quoting C.S Lewis that I heard yesterday "People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed." (from this BYU devotional)
Soon Lily and Sophi were doing windows and glass things, and Natalie kept working on the walls. It had been an hour atleast and she came up to me to have me rinse her sponge and cloth. "Natalie, you've been working so hard, you can be all done cleaning." "No! Daniel keeps drawing! but I don't want to give up!" and off she went to wash some more. Again, later, I was still cleaning, but most of the other kids had finished and moved on to homework or naps. I insisted again "Natalie, you can be done now." "No, I don't want to stop. I need to deep cleaning." I guess I should take the help from this willing helper while I've got it! One other breakthrough with cleaning habits: I make my bed everyday now thanks to the TBYM challenge. Not because it's on my "to do" list, but because I like how I feel when it's made. So it's not a chore or a task anymore, it's just something I do every morning because I like how it makes me feel! Daniel is proud of me.
And a picture of him tuckered out yesterday after we came back from the neighbor's yard. Cute little guy.

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