Monday, April 16, 2018

Fixed Toe

Today is a good day for Ethan. Today he's got an appointment with the podiatrist and today marks the day that his ingrown toe nail misery will end! ...but only after it increases first. Corey took him in for a 2:30 appointment to get his toe nail fixed.
His toe is still numb, but I think the pain medication will be wearing off soon.
I helped him change the bandage on it tonight, he was making me laugh as he talked about how his right toe is now his Zuko toe, or maybe he'll name it Scar from Lion King. He's going to be the evil toe that hates the world. As if it is evil and did something bad or sinful. But really it's just his own body. Funny. And when he put the big bandaid around it he said "It's his cone of shame..."
Ethan has Corey's humor, he is really funny and clever and can always make us laugh. Corey took him to get his prescriptions filled, but he pharmacy was closed cause the power was out at Walgreens - we've had CRAZY wind today! It was super windy this morning on my walk. I discovered the power was out when I went to Fresh Market. They said it had been out for a couple of hours, but they had generators to work a few lights and the registers, so I was able to purchase what we needed. Corey requested meat for Ethan. I disdain meat. Corey and I talked about meat on our last date night, he googled a few things and read things to me from this website that he stumbled upon - Interesting. Corey's kinda on board but kinda not. I guess I'm the same, cause I still eat chocolate and will also buy ice cream for the kids, (sorry cows.) I was going to get some tonight for FHE but the freezer section was all closed off with signs saying "DO NOT OPEN FREEZER DOORS!". I hope the power comes back on soon, that would be so sad for them to lose all that frozen food!

That's about it. Tomorrow is Day one of a facebook Take Back Your Morning Challenge that Holly is doing, should be good! It's free. If you sign up you get access to other things she offers, or just watch it on faceebook. Nicole and I are going to do it together, yay!

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