Thursday, April 19, 2018

No More Snow

A few updates - first from our winter wonderland on Tuesday - after 24 hours on my way to study group, this is all that remains of our snowmen.
So sad. Natalie's older brothers pummelled the snowman on the left there, cause they thought a different sister had made it. They claimed that if they knew it was Natalie's they wouldn't have done it. Either way, that wasn't nice boys. Oh well, it was gonna melt anyway... When the kids got home from school there was still some left for kids who wanted to have a snowball fight. Which was mostly just Abi trying to hit her siblings.
Who are you gonna get Abi?
 Lily won't come out and play, so she tried to hit her in the bedroom window.
Then today the pile was really looking scarce
but she wouldn't give up! Must... make... one more snowball...
Joseph came home from a madrigal performance and it made my heart happy to watch from the kitchen sink window and see him playing with his younger siblings
Family love. This young man is heading out soon. We sure love him and are going to miss him!
 And last of all, two mugs that I got at Shopko today, yay! I think they are cute with the bonus of positive affirmations as I drink my water. :)

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