Wednesday, April 18, 2018

On the Floor

There's a great song by Brandon Flowers called "On the Floor". I like to sing it when I'm cleaning up messes off of the floor. Usually liquid messes (spilled juice or an overflowing toilet, "beggin' please!") I thought of it tonight when I saw Lily playing legos. Here on this floor you can see what 18 years and 11 kids of legos look like~
This is 18 years of Legos for Christmas' and Birthdays. (Ok, maybe just 14 years, Joseph probably didn't get his first lego set til he was 4?) The thing is that I CLEANED UP the legos down here a week ago! Seriously! But kids just can't create if legos are contained in bins. They have to be free, like the atomic matter in a star nebula - free to float around and be free and unrestrained. The only catch is that here on planet earth the lego matter particles have to deal with gravity. Hence, they're all "on the floor". Lily has been working hard trying to find all the pieces to the 6 elves lego sets we have, so that she can build the dragons again. 2 down, 4 to go.
Right now she's working on the white dragon "Maria". But I ask, wouldn't it be easier to find the pieces you're looking for if the legos were organized?
Lily replied "Yeah Mom! You should organize them!" "I did!! 3 years ago! ...but you guys keep messin' it up!" (Do not walk down here without something to protect your feet, ouch!)
I pushed legos out of the way to clear a path for myself as I helped Lily look for pieces for 10 minutes. What else happened here today. The 10 day "Take Back Your Morning" challenge is going on now, you're not too late! Go listen to the video for day 2 of the Take Back Your Morning Challenge here. That challenge is going awesome, my third time doing it kinda, but also my first time being committed to do each day on the day. So that's going good, my mood and energy have been good the past couple of days. A few pictures of today - Corey took the kids to classic skating for a few hours for the elementary school's sponsored activity. The kids had a small snowball fight with what was left from my snowman. Corey took the kids Wes through Owen, Mel and Hyrum played with Daniel while the other kids were gone, Daniel finally gave up and fell asleep.
Last night I got woken up a few times by the kids - first Owen at 2 (he wanted to come in our bed, but I layed on the floor with him instead), Daniel at 4 (brought him in our bed), then the older kids' alarms at 5:30. I finally did rise and shine at 5:45 and thanks to my morning routine had a great morning, but I did crash this afternoon and miraculously got in a 2 hour nap, yay. I'm going to try to establish an earlier bedtime for myself, I'm going to follow Daniel's lead and head to bed now too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I came across your Legos photos from google and I am working on a presentation for my seminar (I'm a PhD. student).
    May I use your picture for my presentation to reflect how hard it is to put all these new things I've learned together?
