Thursday, April 12, 2018

Pull Ups

I got this cute picture of Daniel today - he's been watching me work on my pull ups...
I'm still working on it, and testing my strength each Monday, and during the week my goal is to just do a hold from the top position for 30 seconds as I slowly let down, and do that 10 times through out the day. I'm getting major calluses on my palms, but this past Monday I did 4 pull ups again, yay go me!
...and go little D!! What else happened today... Joseph, Melodie and Ethan had a regional band festival. I'm looking into getting our vents cleaned out... we've never had it done since we've lived here, so I know it's been atleast 7 years. And I doubt the people before us did it while they were building a house. so that makes it 8 years. Kinda pricey though - I got a quote yesterday for $676 which I thought was way too much. What else...
Lily moved herself into the basement recently. It was such a cute set up that Natalie wanted to join her. So they are on two little toddlers beds in a corner of the basement right now. Cute girls. They've decorated the walls with drawings and stuff too. Just one other picture for today - my big bowl of fruit for breakfast and some light reading to go along with it. Eat plants for your health!
I made a beet root soup for dinner! Beets, I heard via facebook that the red color of beets is great for killing bad stuff in our bodies.
Daniel drawing pictures while I made dinner. We really don't use this high chair as much as we should for the amount of space it takes in the kitchen, maybe I'll move it back in the basement

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