Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Killing Time

Today was a usual busy Wednesday with kids being involved in after school bands. Wesley had Little Big Band and Joseph and Melodie had Lyceum. Joseph and Mel waited for Wes after school and picked him up and they headed down to American Fork together. But Joseph had to leave early for a Madrigal performance, so instead of Mel and Wesley both leaving early too, I decided to go down to pick them up. The catch with that was that today Lyceum had a double rehearsal and so they were like 2 hours longer than usual. I loaded up Owen and Daniel, we picked up Wes, went to Costco, and then went to kill time at McDonald's while we waited for the rest of the time to pass until we could pick up Mel.
I'm grateful that these fast food restaurants have slides and stuff to keep the kids entertained, but man, I despise fast food.
I guess I could have ordered them salad, but that would have been a waste when they know there are fries available. They'd have been joining the other families at their tables if I'd tried to pull a prank like that. So, here I am, feeding it to my children...
And they love it. To Sophi and Natalie, "McDonalds" is a happy and magical word, almost like Disneyland. I texted Corey that I'd be happy if Owen and Daniel never learn the word "McDonalds".
Daniel showing me his toy. Good to see people want to care about the arctic animal, the ozone and the planet. But I'm telling ya, we gotta stop eating beef hamburgers if we really want to help the earth. Go watch "Cowspiracy" - a 2014 documentary addressing how animal agriculture is the largest cause of pollution worldwide and that none of the largest environmental groups are talking about it
And I feel like a hypocrite everytime I buy it. We're trying to transition away. It's hard when it's such a part of the culture. But I think/hope my kids will choose to stay away from it as they grow older and become more away about their personal health and the world around us. We don't eat it that much, but again I'd like for us to never come here again.
I need to find a new type of indoor slide place to kill time or else I'm slowing killing us.

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