Friday, April 6, 2018

When Your BFF is in Town

Yesterday I got a special treat - my BFF Nicole is here!! Yay! A little bit about Nicole. We met in Arizona on our LDS mission. We kept in touch now and then during the years after that, but were both busy with school, marriage, and children. We connected again on a deeper level around 2005 when we were both in the throws of toddlerhood and realized how much we had in common and how fun it was to share the chaos, headaches and delights of it all. And now we are each other's sounding boards. Whenever I need to know what I want or what I'm thinking, I call Nicole. And I'd say we've been talking on the phone weekly ever since! Even during trips abroad for us and cross country road trips for her. I call her whenever I am driving and begin to feel drowsy, which usually happens when I'm taking Wesley to Little Big Band practice. Anyway. so Nicole and her kiddos travel across the country to hit Temple open house events - like when we all went to the Brigham City Temple open house years ago. Lucky for me, Utah has one of those every few years. So they all went to the Jordan River Temple Open House today and then came over to see us! Yay! And what does a BFF do when they come visit from out of town? Well, she cleans your kitchen of course, and vacuums your front room, and washes your dishes, and washes the windows and helps you get the tape off that's been there for years from hanging up birthday signs. We talked and cleaned. It was almost like we were on the phone with each other. Corey laughed at us, but it was great, thank you Nicole, and to her daughter who also helped out a ton. Nicole saves my life again. After we cleaned, we sat at the table and did something else we both love to do - PLAN!

We like to make lists and goals and checklists to mark them off.
I looked at her planner that she makes for herself every year. It inspired me.
I liked that since she makes it herself, she can put in things personalized to her. I don't know what to do with a lot of the stuff in my Mormom Mommy planner. Something I don't love is for things to go to waste.
So I need to figure out what to do with those pages or I might make an adjustment to my planner brand this year. So they slept over last night and this morning Corey cooked up a mean breakfast which we all enjoyed as he kept all of us entertained with Porter Rockwell stories - like he did at Scofield last year.
And it's been great to have them here. The kids are all playing legos and we're going to put on Coco. It's great to have them here. We're glad we talked them into staying another night!

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