Monday, May 7, 2018

Big Wheel Racin'

Owen and Natalie were having so much fun today riding their hot wheels down the driveway this afternoon.
They rode their bikes down the driveway, then hauled them back up, over and over again. Owen would cheer to himself and me "Again! Again!" Is that fun?! "Yeah Fun!"
They were getting in a workout - Owen's face got pretty pink. Here's a video of their fun:

Other fun things from today - I took my camera on my morning walk and had fun taking pictures of this lovely world.
Pretty little beauties from Lisa's garden~
My canyon ~ <3 nbsp="" p="">
After my morning walk, I walked over to a meeting with some ladies in my neighborhood. The LDS church made announcements regarding visiting teaching at the last General Conference. I was the visiting teaching coordinator in our ward Relief Society, so I wasn't sure where the changes left me... or what my responsibilities now were if I was continuing in that calling. Sunday I was extended a new calling as a secretary over ministering in the Relief Society presidency. So that's fun, so we spent 2 hours over there trying to figure things out, and I've spent most of the day working on it. It's like a big puzzle, but we gave all the ladies in our ward a questionnaire to fill out and as I worked on it for a few hours and made a few phone calls, I feel like things are really falling into place nicely, I'm excited. And that's about what my day has looked like.

Kids are doing good, but they all need to do the Take Back Your Morning Challenge, cause their mornings are messy. Joseph left on time - he had seminary council this morning. The other kids were still all in bed at 8 when I got home from my walk. They need to leave at 8 on Mondays, and they were all still asleep. Better they suffer the consequences now when the really aren't that big of a deal. But ugh, it's not pretty.

One last thing - in the EJC we're starting an "Accountability Challenge". We are supposed to pick one thing that we want to work on for the next 30 days. I picked drinking 16 cups of water a day. And I'm telling myself that I have to drink 12 of those cups before I eat for the day. And I'm going to finish eating between 6-7. So drinking 16 cups of water is my doable action step to help me with what I really want to try for these 30 days, which is to do intermittent fasting. I actually started for myself on Saturday, so I'm 3 days into it and so far so good. It helps me be super productive and feeling good getting stuff done when I'm not having interruptions to prep food for myself or the long breaks to chew it all. I love my salads, but they do take a while to get down. It's been a good day and I'm loving May.

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