Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bulk Clean Up Creativity

Well, it's that time of year again - Bulk Clean up! It's a time of year that fuels their creativity. They start scouring the neighborhood and haul all sorts of loot back to our home. No, kids, this is not what's supposed to happen right now - we're supposed to get rid of junk! Not gather more! But they can't help themselves. I am up here trying to catch up on the blog (April is way behind) and Melodie started laughing at told me to come to her bedroom window to see what her siblings were doing. They were riding down the street on a full size box spring that the neighbors put out. How did they manage that? Just put the box spring on a long skateboard, of course! Why didn't I think of that? Actually Mel and I thought "How in the world do you guys come up with these ideas?" Over the years, I've seen many box springs in the road on bulk clean up day. Not once did I think "I bet that thing will roll nicely on a skateboard." These kids got talent. They rode it down the street, but unfortunately, box springs don't have brakes. Amazingly, you just tilt it to one side and you don't even need to brake, cause the whole thing just slides right over the curb and onto the grass for a smooth landing.
The older kids had fun as they took Daniel and Natalie on a few rides. My live video wasn't the best, but I used this opportunity to do my first facebook live. Wouldn't you know, once I start a live video, they have a navigating error and had to stop cause or they would have ran into a parked car. They stop the trip down the street and move their makeshift contraption up again for another go at it. Success! They did that a few times, it was pretty hilarious. 

Sorry you have to hear me laughing, but we were all in the present moment and not paying attention to the recording other than trying to document it, all of us out in the front yard having a good time.
I love Sunday nights like this!

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