Tuesday, May 29, 2018

California Vacation - Day 1: Hotel & Beach

Day one in California. Highlight of the day was going to Crystal Cove. I'll talk about that first. The kids loved playing at the beach in the sand and waves.
We took the trolley/shuttle ride down there. It was good service that took us to a great drop off stop.
Daniel grabbed and held my finger as we left to Crystal Cove, he is so sweet.
It was a little breezy and cold at the beach, but the kids still loved it.
Owen is a little bit like toddler Hyrum and was wary of the waves. He wasn't out of control like little H though.
Something super cool was that a pod of dolphins swam by!

My big and little guys rolling in it. 
Mel and Sophi making mud pies.
Corey burying Ethan
Natalie loved the waves.
Natalie and Sophi looking for something~
Wesley's turn to be buried. It looks like someone lost their head!
Owen stayed in the stroller most of the time, a safe distance away from the noisy waves.
We had waited until the last shuttle to the beach, so we also had to leave after just an hour to catch the last shuttle back. We spent most the rest of the evening as we'd spent most of the morning ~ exlporing the hotel and swimming. This morning Owen and Daniel were ready to go check everything out at the resort.
They started by pretending they wanted to go to the other room. We had to get two, and they were only 4 doors apart but it was kinda a pain. When I showed Owen the direction to go, he came toward me and made it there on his own. Daniel, however, decided to go the opposite direction.

Come back here you little stinker! Silly kids.
When we were in the room, the patio made a good cage to contain them.
Just kidding, we didn't lock them out there. But they loved exploring the new environment. Owen didn't swim today, but he liked playing ping pong.
He mostly liked throwing the ping pong ball into the fountain, over and over and over again.
Corey fishing out the ball again, what a fun game!
I took a turn with the toddlers while Corey took at turn at the pool. Owen and I went to explore some more. Over to the west gate of the pool...
Owen liked it there.
Then back to the east gate by the games - Owen and Daniel playing chess.

I enjoyed discovering new and interesting looking flowers!
Rose bushes
And these pretty purple things - flower in a flower!
I took Natalie in to the bathroom for a potty break. After 4 minutes I started to record a video of her, cause she was cracking me up, just jibber jabbering to herelf like Bo on Monsters Inc. I might post t to youtube later. So funny.
And after 10 minutes she's finally done! Wash your hands and let's go silly girl.
Everything is fun with these kids - we're ready for more fun tomorrow.

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