Wednesday, May 30, 2018

California Vacation - Day 2: Los Angeles & Newport Temple

Today most of us went to Los Angeles. First Corey left with Melodie and Ethan to go visit the Colburn School and the University of Southern California. Corey wanted them to get excited about the possibilities out there, but his real intent might have been to solidify their resolve to go to BYU, which is what actually happened. On their drive back to Newport, Ethan was on the phone with Joseph asking to borrow $ so he could go to the BYU Summerfest music camp next month, cause music might be his most secure path in. I'm glad they're thinking about it and working on it.

While they were touring the schools, the rest of the kids and I drove up to LA too, except for Wesley and Abi, who volunteered to stay at the hotel because we didn't have room for everyone in the van. Our quest was to go visit the La La Land "Lovely Night" place so Joseph could take some sweet pictures for social media. But after spending forever not being able to drive to Cathy's Corner, despite Google's best attempts to give us directions, we finally gave up. A drive-by of the Observatory was the best we could do.
So our whole excursion there was basically a fail. But we tried. We ended with a stop at McDonald's while we waited for Corey and his crew to finish up, thinking we'd drive back to Newport together. But we ended up not getting together with them, and we just headed home after McDonalds. 
I took a lot of pictures of Daniel, as usual.
He just looked so cute there with his fries...
He looked serious, like he was deep in thought...
Or like he was trying to solves a mystery, like how his fries pile kept disappearing - "How is that possible when I've been dipping and licking ketchup off of this same fry the whole time?" Ah, the mystery hand from an older brother sneaks in to grab another fry -
Five more pictures, just for fun -
Cause I'm sure when I print up the blog book I'm going to have over a thousand photos and am going to have to split the year into two books anyway
So might as well post all the photos that I want to.
Studying the fry sauce...
Everyone else was done 10 minutes ago, little D still working on it.
After we got home, Corey told me that Joseph and I should go to the temple. I took him up on his offer. Joseph forgot his temple clothes, and remembered as we were 45 minutes into our drive down on Monday morning. He asked if we could go back for his clothes. We said no. But he could probably borrow Corey's. So that's what happened. The Newport Beach Temple is beautiful and it was really wonderful to be there with Joseph.
This was his second time after being endowed last Saturday. Before I left, I went to pick up our names that we had brought - and this lady who worked in the recorder's office noticed our last name on the cards - they had Joseph's name there as the person that submitted them. Her name was Mary Warren, but her maiden name was Wride! She had 3 sisters, one of which has passed away and said that her dad thought he was the last Wride. I told her nope, it's not the end of the Wride name - we've got atleast 6 boys to carry it on! I stayed up a bit tonight and sent her an email after looking on family search to figure out how we are related. She had mentioned a George, so after my quick research I figured it out - So, Corey's grandpa is Wayne Prior Danson --> his father Lewis William Barry Wride b. 1862 --> Barry Wride b. 1833...

Lewis William Barry Wride and George Thomas Wride b. 1874 are brothers. Mary didn't verify this yet, but I think that one is hers, George, son of Barry Wride 1833, and that George Thomas's son George Marden 1912, is her dad. George Marden married to Ella Cosby 1913, and Ella is Mary's middle name, who we met tonight, so I think that's where we connect!!
Her George Thomas and my Lewis William Barry were the only boys, Lewis is the oldest, then 3 sisters and then George, this will be fun to explore more! I'm glad we met tonight!! Way to make it happen, Joseph! What a good kid, going to the temple AND taking his own family names! Go go Joe!
He's gonna start taking pictures of himself at each temple and we'll see how long it takes him to get all 170 LDS temples worldwide (159 plus 11 under construction (...but not counting the 19 announced!)) If he does two a week, he should be able to get there, right? Haha, yeah, though that's not counting the distance in travel. Still, you got your first two taken care of, you're well on your way, keep up that pace.
Corey had taken the kids to the beach again while we were gone. When we were all back, we sat down for family scriptures and for a quick visual lesson that Corey had prepared. (I love the extra long couch our room had! We need one like this at home!)
While at the beach, Corey got some sand. Actually it might have just been left over sand from our shoes and stuff. But Corey gave each of us a small sample of sand and told us to count how many grains there were ~
The still shot helped me, but I still gave up after counting up to 14... Like what is the point! Some kids guessed 200, I think more like 2000, but really, there are way too many to count and keep track of.
You might say that there are grains of sand without number. And that was the scripture Corey wanted to share. Moses 1:33 -
And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten.

- and also verse 35
innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them.

Pretty incredible to ponder and think about. An appropriate ending to an evening at the temple. It's impossible to understand the infinite number of God's creations, but someday in the life to come we will. As for now, I will continue to have faith and believe that it is true. I've had many witnesses, the greatest of all is how Christ and his gospel bless my life and make my marriage, family, and life better and happier. If that were the only proof I had, it would be witness enough.

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