Thursday, May 3, 2018

Eagle Court Of Honor

Back in January, just in the nick of time before his birthday, Joseph finished all the requirements to achieve the Boy Scout rank of Eagle. Tonight was the Court of Honor where he received his award. They had a real eagle there, which was super cool. Wesley, one of the few kids who came to honor Joseph, said it was his first time seeing a real eagle.
Wes was inspired and wants to get more involved with scouting. 
Corey and I aren't that into scouting. A few years ago, we told Joseph that if he wanted to get his eagle, he was going to have to own it, as we already have our hands full. When he got it award, I wasn't sure if I really deserved/earned a pin for myself, but I guess we probably helped him out a little bit. Wes took this photo for us. (I might have to get a better one from Corey's parents who had come.
Over in the Eagles nest, Joseph stood to tell what he did for his eagle project.
Here are two pictures from back in November -
For his project, Joseph arranged for several weeks of classes to help refugees from Burma learn English using movies - using Corey's software.
You did a good job Joseph.
Joseph appropriately gave his grandparents the Mentor pin that was part of his reward.
Way to set a goal for yourself and get it, Joseph, you're going to be a great missionary. And good luck with Senior Assassin!
(He is safe on church property, and didn't want to have goggle marks on his forhead for the court of honor, so he wore floaties for 20 minutes before he came here, and had his protection ready as he headed home. Fun game, he's really into it. Oh, and you can also tell by that photo above that he borrowed his friend's scout uniform for the court of honor. Sorry buddy, we'll get you a descent scout shirt if you want one, can we wait till maybe after your mission?)

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