Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Night at Snowbird

Daniel wanted to go to school this morning. So his sisters gave him a back pack, and he headed out. No pants, just a back pack. That's all you need.
Sorry little guy, you gotta stay here with me. Look at all the fun things we get to do at home! Just look at this pile of dishes in the kitchen sink, yay! Fun!
It was a typical busy Wednesday - Ethan stayed at Corey's parents house to do homework, Joseph, Mel, and Wes were at band - Joseph and Mel had a double rehearsal for their concert on Saturday, so they weren't done until 8:30 pm. Poor Wes had to wait at the Soundhouse for 2 and a half extra hours. But we figured it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to spend 2 hours in the car to save him 2 hours. So he waited. Our of the big kids, it was just Hyrum at home. Hyrum went to get Daniel out of this crib after he had slept for a bit too long for his nap, not that I'm complaining! Still happy, he had the cutest grin on his face and gave Hyrum a neck hug.
Then Corey thought we might as well head up to Snowbird. He has a friend who was staying up there this week but who wasn't going to be in the room tonight. Hey, might as well. We were thinking we'd just go up to go swimming, so, the little girls grabbed their swimsuits and up we went. Natalie walking in the snow in her swimming suit and her swim shoes.
They did this on Monday night when we came up too.
I'm telling you kids, it's okay to wear clothes over your suits! There's snow up here, protect yourselves! We made it into the lobby and were soon it the warm spa.
It started snowing a little on our drive up, and we thought maybe we should turn back. I checked the forecast and it said it would be snowing for most of the night. It's still snowing now, so there's a good chance we're gonna spend the night...

<< UPDATE the next morning - 3 May 2018 >>
So, we did spend the night and drove down this morning. Corey took more pictures of our fun at Snowbird last night. It was really fun to be outside in the warm pool and see the snow covered mountains and trees all around us. I put away the phone and worked on being present. When we went to bed it was cute to lay by Natalie in the dark and then hear her say "OH! I didn't say my prayers!" and then she said a sweet little prayer, I can't remember what she said but her voice is just so cute, I loved it. In the morning we warmed up the car and pulled the kids out of bed and put them straight in the car. They were a little annoyed that we got them up so early
...and bummed that they were home in time to go to school! We got back in time that I was able to take a morning walk - I'm so in love with the flowering trees down the street! The camera on my phone did not do their beauty justice...
I walked home to get my good camera to go take more pictures -
They are just heavenly!!
Spring time is fun cause you get to experience snowy winter and summer colors at the same time.

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