Friday, May 25, 2018

High School Grad

How weird is this - we have our first high school grad!
Joseph is part of the Skyline Graduating Class of 2018! Joseph with his bffs, Scotty and Talmage.
They had one last day of school today - to get refunds and a few more yearbook signatures. He went by his grandparents' house afterward and Corey's mom had made Joseph this cute "cake" of cash with a stuffed emoji on top  -
We drove down to the Huntsman center together with Joseph. He had to get there early for orchestra rehearsal. We had to stop by Skyline first with a prayer that it would be open so he could get his bass clarinet. Luckily it was open (I was worried) and we were soon on our way. After dropping Joseph off, Corey and I went out for a quick dinner since it was an hour before the ceremony began. As the class of 2018 procession began, Joseph was at the front of the line so he could walk up and join the orchestra.
After playing in the orchestra, he went and led the Madrigals in singing the Skyline Hymn.
One funny thing - when Joseph got eliminated for not getting his target in the Senior Assassin game, and his target that time was someone in Madrigals with him. She saw him one night sitting out her house waiting to get her. She texted him later "#notmypresident" - we thought that was funny.
After leading the Madrigals, he joined them and they sang "There You'll Be"
He's like going back and forth being all Mr. Talented again - like at the Mads in the Moonlight concert (last pictures at that link). It's been a busy year for this musical kid.
After the madrigals were done, I didn't see where Joseph went. I looked and looked, eventually we figured out that he'd gone back to the orchestra to be ready for another number. As I looked for Joseph, I spotted his BFFs in the crowd.
Finally found him when the orchestra played again. Then the seniors in the orchestra joined the class sitting - Joseph got one of the best seats in the house.
He told me afterward that he didn't see me and was actually waving to one of his friends on the stand. Oh well, the pic still kinda looks like you're saying hi to me, so I'll take it. With the front row seat he was one of the first to receive his diploma case. "Joseph Wride!" - bravo!
Making jokes with the principal.
And after another 600 names, we were done. Taking pictures with friends outside.
Good job Joseph! We think we've taught him about everything we can and he's as ready as he can be, now it's time for him to go learn from the world. Off to Gutemala in a month! This was the first of what will be four years in a row of Skyline graduation ceremonies, I have a feeling life is going to continue to rush past and might be a blur. Hence the reason why I try and blog here.

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