Saturday, May 26, 2018

Temple Endowment

Well, this kid is just a go-getter done. Graduation yesterday in the (as Hugh Nibley said) "In the black robes of a false priesthood" - today in the white robes of the temple. Yes, Joseph went to the temple today to receive his endowment. It was a very special experience. Joseph looked a little tired, but he said he wasn't. (They had a graduation party from 10pm to 2 am last night, then he went to an after party until 3... Joseph, that's not exactly following a missionary schedule!) We knew he was going to have a late night, which is why we scheduled for him to go to the 2:30 session. He and Corey had to be at the temple at 1:15. I woke Joseph up a little bit after noon at 12:45. So that's enough hours of sleep, but I'd definitely say you're body clock has gotta be a bit messed up from that. So anyway, it was very nice. All of his grandparents were there, along with two of my siblings - Neil and Beka. Well, I think that's the last thing you need to get done, Joseph! You're outta here! All ready to go now, and not a moment too soon - you leave one month from today, crazy!
We're going to miss him. In the temple we joined in a prayer where they prayed for the missionaries. That's you in 30 days, Joseph! Members of the church around the world will be in the temple praying for you - for your safety and success. We love you and know you'll be a great missionary! 

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