Monday, May 21, 2018

Last All Nighter

School is out this week, but Joseph still has one all nighter in him. It's almost 1 a.m. and Joseph thinks he'll be up for a while editing the last Seminary video "vlog". 
He was laughing and cringing because of this one part - they are singing a Greatest Showman song "This is the Greatest Show" but changing it to "This is the Greatest Book" - they did two takes of the clip - and the clip that Joseph would have preferred to use didn't work cause it was off beat. But he liked it better cause it was timed so it was on a girl during the part where the bearded lady does her high solo "This is where you wanna be!" - They were changing that to "This is what you wanna read!". But the beat was off, so they had to use clip 1 - where the timing has it fall on Joseph as the high voice singing. 
It made him (and Melodie (who was pulling a math all nighter with him)) laugh and cringe, cause it really looks like he's singing it. 
I'll upload the final video later this week. (Updated - see it here) Funny video below, he said "The sacrifices I've made for seminary council..." He had a friend of his in madrigals sing the part, and she sounds good, but Joseph wishes it wasn't him lip singing it.

Joseph is tired. He's stayed up late many times editing videos. He likes it though, and kinda looses track of time cause he does enjoy it. But he would like to go to bed. Hang in there Joe, just one more night, you guys are almost done with the school year and then you can sleep!
6:09 am - I came downstairs, lights are still on, but I'm glad to see Joseph caught a little bit of shut eye.

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