Tuesday, May 15, 2018

More Driveway Races

The kids raced their kid cars in the driveway again today.
They had such a fun time last week, it was time to get out there and do it again. I dare say it's their favorite game of spring!
Daniel lifting up his arms to cheer for their victories.
Natalie making sure Owen knows that she won.
Hauling the cars back to the starter's line.
Uh-oh, Owen took a little spill... we had a few accidents like this
...or from Daniel accidentally walking in front of the racers.

But mostly it was fun and games.
Natalie wants everyone to know that she has won FOUR times!
Owen trying out a new set of wheels.
Owen wants to give it a spin, but that little bike is falling apart and needs to be scrapped.
He decided it wasn't very fun. After a good morning of play, Owen needed a nap - He loves his Louie Lion
 And after a day of getting dirty these two enjoyed a bath with suckers.
The kids like suckers. I think they are horrible. They might beat out cotton candy for being messy and horrible. But I don't mind suckers if all their stickyness is kept in the tub, I guess that works.
You guys are cute, I'm glad the kids had a good day playing, and it's good for all of us to get outside now that it's spring time and we finally can, with the bonus that the summer heat isn't here yet. Let's enjoy these lovely spring days while we can! 

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