Monday, May 14, 2018

Five Wins

So Holly in the EJC talks to us about our WINS - WIN stands for "What's Important Now". Today I got a lot of "important to me now" things done. Let's count some of them - #1) I went on an hour long walk in Sleepy Hollow, my happy place. 2) I saw the sun rise as I walked -
3) I was present and started my day with gratitude as I enjoyed lovely desert flowers -
I love their heart shaped petals!
4) Here's a good one, but a gross one - for months there's been some nasty black gunk growing out from Corey's sink in our bathroom. I've never figured out how to get the stopper out, but today I googled it and got the gross thing out, sent a pic of it to Corey -
And told him that this nasty black gross stuff was now gone, that the stopper is actually a light gray plastic, and that I cleaned it off and cleaned out the drain too! Hooray for me and my "I can prob figure this out myself" can do attitude that finally kicked in after months of the "I'm too cheap to pay someone to come fix it, I guess we'll just deal with it a bit longer" self finally went away. So yeah, huge win - both sinks in our master bathroom are cleared out and sparkly now, hooray and yay, go me.

Win #5) I took Abi to her orthodontist appointment today - had to get her out of school just a smidge early. We went and as I was chit-chatting with the lady who tightened her braces, I mentioned that I'm working on paying a deposit towards my braces - I'm getting Invisalign soon. She said there is a special going on this month where you can pay a smaller down payment, and with that, she went and talked with someone else and I got the ok to get started! So they are sending my info in to get my Invisalign aligners made and they'll be here in a few weeks, so yeah, fun for me! I've been waiting for this for over a year, I decided I was next in line after Abi, and so fun, it's my turn! So there's give good wins. One thing the kids enjoyed today: they got invited to help make cotton candy for a reading award/prize thing over at the elementary school. Our neighbor was in her garage with some rented cotton candy machines, making like two hundred bags of cotton candy. The kids liked it - they got to see them work and how cotton candy is made, and then take a handful home.
They love cotton candy. Corey and I both think it's evil. It brings out the little monsters in them. I mean Sophi, really, you look a bit too excited, don't you think?
Just eat it and be normal as much as possible. It was raining, so they had to be careful to stay in the shelter of the garage and finish eating it before it got wet and dissolved in the rain.

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