Thursday, May 10, 2018

Spies and Tic Tac Toe

Natalie and Sophia played "Spied" tonight. Also sometimes known as "Sydney Bristow". These tough girls are ready for their secret missions.
I like those cool gloves, Sophi! And Natalie, you look so tough!
Uh oh, tough girl... I think I see you cracking a smile! It's okay, spies can smile and still be tough. Another cute think with Natalie, I played tic-tac-toe with her today. I won the first match. "Let's play again" she said. I was the O's and she was the X's. When it was my turn to go, she put her hand over the space where I could have won in the bottom left corner, so I had to go in the top right corner, then she put her X in the middle left, and proudly said "I won!"
Let's play again! Natalie won again. Good job, you're a tic tac toe master, I've never seen a strategy like yours, pretty good for a four year old!
And she's spelling her name pretty good, I think she's ready for kindergarten!

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