Friday, May 11, 2018

Quote Blocks

I bought myself an early mother's day present - some cute stickers at Walmart. I paired them up with some wood blocks that I had on hand from the thrift store. Put them together, and I made myself some quick inspirational quote blocks!
 I'm putting them in little places all over the house where I'll see them when I need some good vibes.
At the kitchen sink by my water mug - It feels good to get stuff done! I can and I will!!! Let's make today great!!
Anything is possible! Let's do this! Dream Big! There was a pbs show on a while ago about people dreaming big - the part I remember was a man in Iraq who wanted to bring back the marshes that Saddam had drained. People told him it was impossible, but he was committed. They were able to return the water, and soon, the reeds came back... Within 3 years the marsh lands had returned. He said with a confident smile: "Dream big. First of all, it's free! Second of all, it's possible." - Azzam Alwash (PBS "Braving Iraq" documentary)
So now I've got good quotes to keep me going through the day. I've been going on morning walks pretty consistently in this spring weather. It always helps the day get off to a good start when I go on a morning walk. Especially on days like today when I'm able to go down into sleepy hollow. Pretty desert flowers -
For some reason I thought these were Sego Lily's, but they are just a desert flower.
It's four floral petals are perfect hearts. Might not be a state flower, but still very pretty.

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