Friday, June 1, 2018

California Vacation - Day 4: Drive to Las Vegas

Today we packed up and headed out of the hotel in Newport. Owen riding the luggage cart - everyone wants a free ride... 
Before we left California, we took a detour to LA for a pit stop in Burbank to say hi to some friends at InventTV. We've been in touch with over the past year, but nothing to report yet about if it will lead to anything, but they are really nice. Tiffany has such a friendly smile and makes you feel really special. Natalie is showing Tiffany her Jessie Doll.
All 13 of us did a quick invade of their conference room, where they fed us pretzels and drinks -
Tiffany had to go somewhere at noon, and we were running late so that was what time we got there. But she stayed and we visited for 30 min, just a quick stop by to say hi in person and for them to meet Joseph in person before he leaves for 2 years next month. Then she had to go so we headed out too - give them back their quiet office. We made sure everyone went to the bathroom and then back into the car - we're not stopping again until Vegas! It was just a 5 hour drive, which made Daniel very "Happy!" He kept saying that over and over again "Happy! Happy!! (quiet pause, then...) HAPPY!!!" It was super cute and funny. Once we arrived in Vegas at our hotel, I got our my phone to record - 
But wouldn't you know, as soon as the camera goes on, the performance stops. He still said some stuff, but we were trying to force it out of him and it didn't work as well. "Daniel, how do you feel?" and we wanted him to say "happy!" like he had been for the past hour, but he said "Feel!" No, no, that's not your line! Are you HAPPY?!?! and then he'd say it "Happy!" Cute kid. 

We took stuff up to our room on the 3rd floor. The elevator was totally on the opposite side of our room and from where we parked, so we took it from the car, up the stairs, to our room. Took forever and it was crazy hot - welcome to fabulous Las Vegas!
They had real sand in the swimming pool! It was refreshing, the kids were glad to get out of the car. It's nice to break the drive up for us parents too. We have another full day to kill here tomorrow, and then we head back on Sunday. I'm sure we'll do more swimming before we leave.

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