Saturday, June 2, 2018

Family Vacation - Day 5: Las Vegas

I guess it's not our "California Vacation" now that the California part is done. So, new title for today's posts from those from this past week - today it's just "Family Vacation". Joseph and I got up early and went to the Las Vegas Temple. That's 3 new temples in less than a week for this kid!
Pretty good, Joseph! You keep up that pace from here on out and you'll get all the temples in the world in just over one year! Oh, but that mission might get in the way of that goal. Well, why don't you see how you do this month and then we'll pick it up in June 2020 after you get back.

Around noon, Joseph's friends from school were going to pick him up and he was going back down to Newport for his "Senior Trip". Two weeks in California, we're glad he spent some of the time with us. He'll be having a different experience with his friends though. So, we thought we had plenty of time to go to the temple before he met his friends, cause we thought they weren't picking him up until after 12, so we took our time in the celestial room, then we ate at the cafeteria, then we took some pics outside -
Temple Selfie!
Pretty desert flowers!
Looked like fire (and it was hot, it felt like fire too!)
Then we get in the burning hot car, he turns on his phone, they are already at the meeting spot, doh! They've been there for over 10 min, and we're 30 min away. He calls and texts them, they decide to come to our hotel since Joseph has to go back there to get his stuff, and they wait for him there while we hurry back. Then off he went for a week. After he gets home he has high adventure for about a week, and then it's just two weeks and he's gone! It's going by fast, he's outta here.

Back at the hotel, I ran to the grocery store for food and made lunch. Then Corey took kids to see what there was to see. Not much in the kid arena...
and the kids decided they aren't impressed with what Vegas has to offer the adults either.
Ethan had the strongest opinions of "it's all of the devil!" Well, good, that's probably the take away we'd like our children to have of Vegas so that you never get interested in it. Back to the hotel to swim - Daniel playing with my glasses
And check out the milestone this toddler made! OWEN is swimming INDEPENDETLY!!! He's got the floaties on and he's floating! His feet were kicking so fast, like a tadpoles' tale, it was so cute!
Way to go Owen! You did it! Hooray! Took a day to warm up to it, but good job! 3 years old and he's finally having fun in a pool, yay! This was a good trip to take for this milestone alone.
They enjoyed swimming until late, we're packing up and heading out tomorrow after church, (...hoping we have make it to church, atleast for sacrament meeting, might be hard to get us out of here... we'll see)

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