Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Car Carts

Back from vacation, back to reality, gotta get some food in the house to feed this crew. I went to the store today. The elementary girls are still in school, but the older kids are done. They asked to come with me. They aren't that bad to shop with - they don't ask for too much junk food and stuff, but I still hesitated before saying yes, cause I knew it meant I'd be bringing all the toddlers too. And they did want to come. So I had 5 kids get in the car to go with me. When we were at the store though, it wasn't bad with the big kids and the little kids, in fact I was glad I brought them along, cause the big kids pushed around the little kids! I was actually like "Hey, I like this!"
They pushed the carts and I was able to stay focused on the grocery list and putting items in the cart.
I like going to Fresh Market over other stores, cause they always have plenty of these car carts that are available and functioning. Walmart doesn't have cars, and the kiddie seats they have always have broken seat belts. Costco doesn't have cars. And neither does the Smith's near us, so Fresh Market it usually is, especially if littles ones are tagging along.
When a kid escaped, I was able to send Hyrum or Wes to go after them.
I did end up having to buy some junk food. I'm doing better at remembering to only let them choose one thing, this is not a junk food free for all shopping spree. Today it was cheetos. Natalie kept them safe as we finished shopping. Owen brought Louie into the store and dropped him somewhere as we went up and down the isles. We were lucky that he was found and brought up to the front where we saw him as we checked out. That would have been so sad to lose Louie! And I'm sure I would have had no idea what happened to him or where he went, so that was lucky.

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