Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Orthodontist visit for me at 10
Today was a big day for me ~ I went to the orthodontist! I got braces on!
I chose the Invisalign option, mostly cause it's the easiest one to floss with. I floss everytime I brush, Abi just at night time with her braces cause it's such a process, and I didn't think I could handle that.
Although they don't look super bad in these pics, I am a little sad about how noticeable the buttons on my teeth are and I'm still figuring out how to get them off. I need to keep them on for 22 hours a day, so I have 2 hours to eat, which should help with me cutting down on snacking I bet. I'm having a bit of regret tonight, but hopefully I'll get used to them soon, and hopefully the weeks will go by quickly. I think I'll have them on for 18 months, but I change them week to week. We'll see, another thing for me to count down - Joseph's mission, pregnancy, and now my braces.

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