Monday, June 18, 2018

My Attempt at Mission Pictures

I attempted to take a few mission photos of Joseph last night. We probably waited too long and they were a bit dark, but this one was pretty good -
He went in and got Corey's old name badge from Chile, so we've got Elder Wride II reppin' La Iglesia De Jesus Cristo De Los Santos De Los Ultimos Dias. The field is white!
Although I'm pretty sure the field next to us is tares, not wheat. You're looking like a legit missionary Joseph! Good thing, cause you just got 8 days and then it will be really real! But it's not real yet, so take off that badge -
We might try for a few more photos later today or this week. We're also getting family pictures taken today. Ethan is gone at BYU Summerfest, so we're going down there for the photos so he won't miss too much of his lessons and activities or whatever they got goin' on. Which means I should stop procrastinating here and get everyone's clothes ready and hair done. I still have 5 hours, I got time, right? It's been a lazy morning. We stayed up until 1:30 last night talking with Joseph.
One by one all the kids crashed around us. Except for Owen, who fell asleep at 9 and then woke up at 10:30 cause we were all still awake, that was when I knew our night was going to be messed up.
But we only have a few more chances for our late night deep talk sessions, so it might be worth it, even though we all somewhat regreted it this morning (ugh, my morning routine is so off... I feel like I owe Holly an apology!) A few more pictures, I stayed after church for an hour for a meeting, when I got home, I saw this little character zonked out on the couch -
His face was not relaxed, those little eyebrows concentrating hard... it was like he was really trying to focus to stay asleep. Our little Daniel Tiger!
We had a nice family talk after church, talking about how life is about to change, and it will keep changing. Joseph wanted to share this song with us that he likes. He shared it with me on our car ride back from the Las Vegas Temple. Very pretty song. Corey and I were weepy, which made some of the other kids tear up too. We're going to miss Joseph. We want you to go on a mission, we don't want you to stay home, but we will really miss you. 
Corey has been saying for a while that we've taught him everything we know to teach him, now it's time to go get lessons from the wrold. There's not much for you here, and you're not missing anything. We'll just be loading the dishwasher and all the usual stuff, and life will be a lot the same when you come back home, but you will have had so much growth and experience that YOU will definitely not be the same. We're excited for him, cause we know what it's like on the other end.

Another picture - a lovely father's day rainbow outside while I was talking on the phone with my dad. It was at his house first and I went out to see, but we didn't have out, but I went in and got my camera so I'd be ready if it did show up, and soon it did, a big 180 rainbow, so pretty.

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