Saturday, June 16, 2018

Birthday Fun with Dad

Yesterday was Corey's happy birthday. The kids are out of school, but it was a typical day of work for him, so we kinda celebrated today instead. I went out early and bought him a big cinnamon roll from Great Harvest, and two small trays of cinnamon rolls for the kids to share.
Cinnamon rolls are always a hit, especially the big deal ones like these with lost of frosting. 
Everyone always is excited when we get to sing the Happy Birthday song and light candles. It's like a game. We did it several times so all the kids who wanted to had a chance to blow out the candles.
After breakfast, the kids were motivated to do their chores quickly cause Corey wanted to take us all out to see Incredibles 2 at the theater, which just came out today! This is a real treat!
I was able to enjoy a little less than half of it when Daniel got bored and started to fuss and I had to leave with him.
I was pretty bummed cause I wanted to see the movie! It was at an intense part where they were trying to figure out who the bad guy "Screensaver" was or how they could find him and stop him. But no, Daniel didn't care. So I went out. Darn it. Lucky for me, as I waited in the hall, I checked in occasionally on anther showing of the movie. When our movie ended, the other show was about in the place where I had to walk out with Daniel. The kids were ready for food, but I asked Corey if I could stay and they could go out and then come back and get me after they were done eating. It worked out perfectly and Corey didn't seem to be upset or frazzled that I'd abandoned him to take a van full of kids out on his own while I stayed an watched the show. So they went to Chic-Fil-A while I got to see how it ended. It is a good movie, really fun!

They were on their way right as I was done, I walked outside to meet them and we were on our way home. That was a fun birthday activity with dad. I ran one errand later today to Kid to Kid. If I run errands during the week, when Corey is at work, I can usually escape and leave little kids home with the older kids to babysit. But if I do it on a weekend I usually have to take the toddlers with me. Owen had a great time though.
Cars cars cars...
This little guy loves cars. Maybe we'll get him some cars for his birthday. Cute boy.
The older boys have been gone at High Adventure this week, we'll see if they share any pictures of their trip with me so I can post them here. They left on around 3:00 on Tuesday June 12. I don't even know where they went, I think to southern Utah. I'm sure it was a great time though, will try to post about it later.

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