Thursday, June 7, 2018

Last Day of School

The older kids were done with school on March 25, but the elementary kids, who are in a different school district, still had two more weeks. But then we went on a week long vacation. Kindergarten finished while we were gone cause they end a week earlier than the rest of the school, so Sophi totally sluffed her last week. She had an evaluation on Tuesday and got to say goodbye to her teacher. And today was the last day for Abi and Lily, and thus was the official last day for all our family. Here's a picture of Abi and Lily at the bus stop with all their friends - Smile!
And now, be silly!
Over at the school, they ended the year as they usually do, with a dance festival. Abi's grade did a dance to "Footloose". I was in my usual "I am here out of parental duty" and thus the song felt a little long...
Abi, good work on your dance! 
Lily's grade did "September" - Do you remember, the 21st night of September?
They both did a good job. And it wasn't too hot for the adults. Poor kids were out in the sun as they waited their turns.
This year the fire truck came yesterday for field day instead of today, which I think was good, cause they are always so hot on field day, plus they're also already usually wet from the dunk tank. And having it spray the kids after the dance festival just throws the whole group into chaos. Wesley wanted to come see the performance. He made them french toast to eat. Brought and served with a little side of apricot jelly and maple syrup.
What a nice brother, and yay Abi and Lil', you're finally done! Off to summer break for us, hooray!

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