Thursday, June 14, 2018

Typical Summer Day

The days of summer are here. The fort is still up in the front room, though it's not being used now, since it's fallen apart....
...but the kids haven't cleaned it up yet, cause they are off on some creative adventure making a new mess in another area of the house. Wesley has been busy downstairs making a lego game: I don't know what it is or how it works, but I did play it with him for a little bit.
It seemed a bit complicated to me, but I just rolled the dice and then moved my player, and he'd tell me what I was supposed to do or what tragedy had just befallen me, and then I'd do it or I'd accept the tragedy. It was a long game too, I didn't stay to finish it all, but he was excited and he'd worked hard on it. Abi seemed to get it, she took my spot. I probably could have understood the game, by my brain is a bit full and too distracted to try to concentrate on learning the rules. But good job Wes, I'm proud of you.
What else... here's a picture of little Daniel. He likes his bear and his bottle. 
That is a good photo representation of his life as a one year old - running free in his diaper with his bottle and bear close by. There area few snapshots of what is probably a typical summer day around here this year.

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