Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Cowabunga Bay & BBQ

I did something today that I don't think I've ever done before. I took almost all of the kids on an outing by myself. Like, sometimes, I'll take the younger kids, but for an almost whole family thing? I usually don't do that unless Corey and I are both able to go. But he was working today and taking Ethan to a drivers ed test, and I was feeling ambitious I guess, cause I woke them up, told the kids to clean their rooms, and then we would go to Cowabunga Bay. So no Joseph, obviously, and Ethan and Corey didn't come, so it was me and 9 kids (that's including the 1 year old and 2 year old) and we were there for 6.5 hours! We got there at 11 and stayed until it was almost closing time. I didn't take as many pictures as I usually would have, cause it's hard to be chief photographer and chief activity coordinator a the same time. I was on kid duty most of the day, but did get some good pictures after lunch and after Owen finally warmed up to participating.
He protested the first two hours. Then we ordered some pizza, fries, and frozen grapes for lunch. Owen helped me wait in line.
Food's here. Daniel gave up and slept through lunch - you can see his tuckered out body on Wesley to the left there.
After the kids ate, they went and played and came back over to check in on me now and then. We spent most of the morning in the pool and lazy river, and they were on the waterslides after lunch. Which was good cause they were often walking by and I could see them from the lunch table. Wes and Abi encouraging Natalie to go down the slide. She was so cute up there, holding her nose as she tried to get up the courage to slide down... You can do it, Natalie!
There she goes!
I stayed in the shade by the lunch tables where I was able to sit for an hour as Daniel napped. Wes, can you document for me?
Owen was content to stay with me, though not comfortable enough to be able to take a nap himself. Owen ate the slice of pizza and fries that I was saving for Daniel to eat. So after Daniel woke up, I ordered more fries, grapes, and pizza.
After Daniel ate, I took them out again and counted heads again. All the older kids were great helpers, we were all watching out for each other and taking turns, I couldn't have done it without them helping to watch the little kids.
Wes taking Daniel on the lazy river. Lily's head in the other hole of the tube.
More pool time - 
Natalie wants to go back to the waterslides. Mel and Hyrum watched Owen and Daniel while I went on a slide with Natalie. Not this one, this is her playing afterwards.
Lots of fun water slides and buckets and sprayers to play with.
Wes and Abi got dunked in the big bucket splash.
Over at the Kids Cove, Owen was very content playing with this water wheel and turning the water on and off.
Fascinating how that works!
Daniel walking by
Daniel still looks a bit tired. He's not used to this much fun! Daniel, you want to go on the tubes?
Yeah, he looks like he could use a few trips around the lazy river.
 Around 4, Hyrum was done. He wanted to go home. I used the line from Mrs. Parr on The Incredibles on him a few times "This is not ABOUT YOU!!!" We are here to watch the little kids have fun and have a family memory together. We did bring two cars, but it was the van and the stick shift. If Mel could drive the stick shift, they could have left. But if you leave in the van, I only have room for 4 people, so I guess if you can convince enough people to leave? Then Hyrum was nagging everyone for the next hour.... "Abi, do you want to go home?" No. "Ahh! Lily? Do you want go go home?" No. Fine! Be that way! He was tired and he had stuff to do. I told him to go take a nap in the shade. He was mad and wouldn't let me take a picture.
Hyrum, you're complaining this past hour is kinda ruining all the good feelings I had for you being such a good helper. (I got a picture, ha!)
After a few hours, Owen was finally in a really good mood and enjoyed playing in the water, hooray!!
It was worth the struggle. Owen, you make a cute little tadpole.
Round and round the lazy river we went...
Hooray, for family time! I did something with the kids, go me!
This why it's called the lazy river -
Around 5:20, I decided it was close enough to closing time (6pm) so okay, let's get ready to go. I get Owen and Daniel dressed (kinda - just took off the wet swimsuits and put on diapers), we gather up all the towels. You survived, Hyrum. Good job. One more picture.
Look at that scowl, lol. Natalie's looking at the waterpark map.
Ok, selfie pic with me and D. (Smile, Hyrum!) Ok, yay, good job team. Let's head out.
I texted Corey on the way home. He ran to the store for some food for dinner. After I got home, I got a text from a neighbor inviting us over for an impromptu BBQ. We had already eaten, but we decided to go over for fun and visiting. You could tell the kids had gotten a lot of sun. I should have done a half time re-sunblocking on us all. Oh well. I did have them covered up well for the high noon hours. Hopefully burns won't be too bad. At the neighborhood bbq, the kids loved the zip line in our neighbors back yard.
I think we need to get ourselves one of these. We've got the trees and the space for it. The wheels are turning in Corey's head...
Abi's turn.
Kids playing on the trampoline.
Wes got a little stuck, he tried to run the zipline back to the top. Yeah, that doesn't work.
We have great neighbors and there are lots of kids for everyone to play with.
I'm glad we went over for the bbq rather than winding down in front of a movie, as was the kids' request on our drive home from the waterpark. Daniel and Owen driving little hot wheel cars along the small brick wall...
It was a great day. A lot of work, but great. I've been wanting to get out with the kids, but haven't had the energy until now. I've been taking iron supplements for over a week now and the anemia is under control, let's make the most of these last weeks of summer break.

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