Monday, July 23, 2018

First Dr. Appointment

I'm 14 weeks today. Went to my first doctor appointment. I don't look forward to these visits. Back in 2015, one of the pros to going to Brazil was that I wouldn't have to go to any doctor visits for those 3 months, which was a big point on the plus side. Today, I was like "I can do this, I don't love it, but it's a first world problem. And here I am again...." It looked like they were moving slow and it was going to be a long wait, but it wasn't that bad. They did an ultrasound to see the heartbeat and it looks like there is something growing inside there, yay, it's real! My next appointment is at 19 weeks and we'll get to find out the gender of the baby - if the girls tie up the score or if the boys get a solid lead. Pretty exciting!

I had a great morning, I woke up at 6 and then I actually got out of bed! Since our vacation to Newport I've been sleeping in like all the people around here that I used to look down on as lazy bums. But now I'm one of them. Like some mornings this past month I didn't get out of bed until 9! But hopefully I've turned a corner and am back to being my normal self for this second trimester. I went on a walk, it was nice to get outside. I'm going to try go again tomorrow. I realized on my walk that I have a dream! Like my quote blocks have a few "Follow your Dreams" cheesy things, and I've been thinking for a while about "what are my dreams?" I didn't think I had any. But I thought of one I've had on my walk this morning - a cute old historic church in our community - I dream of making that into a beautiful little wedding reception hall or something like that. Something pretty, instead of the abandoned building it looks like now (some guy uses is for his art studio I think and it's also sometimes opened as a spook ally on Halloween.) I want to make it into something beautiful And that is my first current dream that I can think of. As Azzam Alwash said in the pbs documentary about the marshes in Iraq (Braving Iraq) - "Dream Big - First of all, it's free. Second of all, it's POSSIBLE!"
So I'm gonna keep dreaming and thinking of making this little church a lovely part of our community. Somday. Other than that, it was a busy day driving out to Kearns High school twice for Ethan to take his one of his driver's tests, he has to do it every day this week, ugh. I thought it was a one time pass it off or not thing, but it's an every day drive an hour with an instructor, like most kids do in Driver's Ed at school, but Ethan did his class online, so lucky me, this is part of his class requirement. Out in freakin' Kearns, blah. We might have him take the bus, cause it was 2 hours out of my day to take him, drive home, go get him, bring him home. I had my dr appointment in between or I guess I could have figured out something to do out there for 2 hours. Maybe I'll have Mel do it a few times, as she arrived safely back from Paris late Saturday night. It's nice to have her back.

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