Monday, July 9, 2018

Hibbert Gathering

My little brother who moved to Texas is in town this week. They went up to Idaho for a family reunion on his wife's side, and on their way home they were ale to swing by and say hi to their old neighborhood and family and friends here in Utah. We all gathered at our house yesterday for some food and visiting. The house was full of a dozen conversations taking place at the same time, it was fun to see and hear the bustle of activity!
Adults mostly visited. When you finished one conversation, you were able to go and join another one in progress.
Ethan and my mom -
Some of the adult cousins brought their boyfriends! That was exciting.
All our little kids are grown up. Joseph is the first missionary of the Hibbert grandkids, but I don't think he'll be the first wedding. The teenagers played chess...
and younger cousins were running around and playing inside and outside and everywhere.
Daniel loved his uncle Jared tickling him -
He'd squeal and then chant "Again! Again!" It was funny cause Daniel was so wary of some of the adults, but he chummed right up to Jared.
Jared asked Daniel if he'd come home with them. I don't remember if he said yes, but he did go running into his arms, which could be taken as a yes. "Can we keep him?" I agree, Daniel is a keeper!
Natalie's birthday is tomorrow (Tues) and my little sister's birthday is today, so we had some early birthday cake for dessert.

So that was fun. It would be nice if we were all closer and saw each other more, but we do have fun when we are able to get together. We talked about getting a family reunion planned for next year, our last one was 3 years ago when Owen was a baby (so cute!)

That was yesterday. Today I opened the horned melon my mom brought over last night. She knows I always think it's fun to try new weird looking food (like romanesco broccoli or the sugar apple, and Beka told me yesterday that she saw Joseph's rambutan fruit at Harmons, we're gonna go get some and try it in his honor) So I had the horned melon for breakfast. Not very sweet, was kinda like a melon with a slight banana taste. Plus lots of slimy seeds. It was good though, I'd eat it again.

We had Mexican dinner tonight with this Mexican Quinoa salad by Purple Carrot, everyone loved it, gotta love dishes with mangos in them! And final activity of the day - I took the kids to a park they hadn't been to in a long time - Mountain View Park.
The bigger kid area wasn't very toddler friendly, so I was glad to get these two kiddos over to the smaller one.
For a little bit atleast.
Soon we joined the older kids cause Abi was calling me to come see this really cool ride thing. This contraption that spins around. Abi would run and they would all turn and then she'd grab on and let herself get flug around on it too.
They all got on and I pushed them, but not as fast cause Owen and Daniel were in the seat now. Hold on tight little boys!
We stayed until it was very dark, then ran by the store for some Red Button pink animal cookie ice cream for Natalie's birthday. Birthday junk is here again tomorrow!

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