Saturday, July 7, 2018

Scofield 2018

We came back home tonight after a fun weekend at Scofield with many of our neighborhood friends. The party gets bigger every year!
11 families this year, I don't think I can figure out the kids. We had two kiddos missing from our group - Joseph obviously, and Melodie stayed home to practice flute. Corey came down for last night but then left and midnight with Owen, Daniel, and Hyrum. Corey took Mel to the airport today and she's off to Paris for a "Da Capo Alliance" flute class thing.
Corey's traveled the world, but he's never been to Europe, so this is a first for our family. Good luck Mel! It was really nice for me to be at Scofield without toddlers to worry about. Corey took good care of them at the park.
Just two little boys, that's a piece of cake, right? (Thanks sweetie!) 
So, last evening we went down to Scofield around 5:30, got there around 7:30. Corey bbq'd, I served peaches, banana breads and Costco cookies - The kids played and the adults visited. My little boys love cars and things with wheels
You're cute Daniel.
We brought the laser guns that began with the set Wes got on his birthday. We have 8 guns now. Those were a big hit with all the kids. Corey told a few Jacob Hamblin stories to the kids as they fell asleep, and then he left with H, O, and D.
At midnight Natalie and I were going to sleep. Natalie, Sophi, and Lily all brought way too many stuffed animals. Natalie had to get them all just right laying down with her. She's get settled, I'd turn off the light, one would fall our of place or "not feel right" and I had to turn on the light again...
Are we good now?
You ready? Can I turn off the light?
Ok, we all set? Ok, we're going to sleep now, all right? Ok, goodnight. (Such a good little mother.)

Saturday morning started off with a delicious breakfast, and then everyone headed out to the water.
Wesley, Abi, and Lily got out there before I protected them from the sun. I caught up to most of them later, except for Wes. His arms and legs got pretty fried and he's gonna be hurting tomorrow.
There were a lot of water toys for the kids to use -
- kayaks and wake boards, a paddle boat, pool floaties, two catamarans...
...and then two families brought their boats and the kids got to be dragged on the tubes behind them. 
Kids sailing out to sea - 
Other kids on the dock waiting for a boat to come back.
Natalie got on a board to pose for a Moana shot.
But those things are pretty unstable!
The older boys played "king of the poparazzi".
They'd gang up on Ethan, he was up for the challenge though
Looks like Nelson won that round.
Wes took Natalei on a kayak for a minute, but they tipped over.
She held on to him though and since it was in the shallow part of the water, she didn't get dunked, phew!
The boat came back and I went out with Natalie and Sophi who really wanted to go on a boat ride. Wes wanted to come with us. Back to the dock, boy! We can't take off with you this close!
A view back at the cabin with everyone's tents on the beach.
Natalie and Sophi enjoyed the ride in the front of the boat.
The older kids in our boat went skiing, Natalie and Sophi enjoyed going fast. They didn't like it when we hit a wave one time as we turned around and the water all came in and soaked us! It's like I dumped my purse in the water. Luckily my phone was ok, and that was the only item of concern in my bag. It was fun, we came back just in time for lunch. They had a big picture up of the group from last year. Joseph and Ethan peeking out under the deck railing -
Natalie up on the railing -
Most of our family down in front on the grass -
Abi - 
We were kinda scattered all over. I need to get a copy of that picture. They take a big group picture every year.
I'll try to remember to get it and update this post with it before I print up my blog book. After lunch, the mom's got to go out to surf. I didn't bring my swimsuit (the one I just bought before Newport doesn't fit me, atleast I assumed it doesn't, I didn't try it on, but I didn't bother to bring it) So I asked "what do you think? This is my only change of clothes..." Since it was just us mom's, they offered me a swimshirt and shorts and I did a quick change and was able to go on the water. I tried to smile for the camera when the rope was pulling me -
...but my face and mind were in full concentration mode when the rope was slack and I was trying to see if I could surf without it.
My back leg was burning and got really tired. My first run was my best for length of time, the second and third times I was trying to practice surfing. ...Push on your toes to stay in the wave - move forward to go down the wave if you're getting too high, keep the tip of the board above the water so you don't sink yourself... It was fun. We got back to the dock at 3, it thought it was a lot later - it felt like dinner time. Not yet. Got everyone snacks, a few more hours to play before dinner, and then it'll be time to clean up, load up, and head home.
Sophi and Natalie just needed oars to pay with, they were both Moana. The two Moanas.
Scofield weekend from years past - 201220132014201520162017, this picture below is from last year, Scofield is such a fun tradition, we all look forward to it every year. We love where we live and we love all our friends!

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