Thursday, July 12, 2018

Little Witch

On Natalie's birthday, a long awaited well visit took place for Lily. Corey had asked me two months ago to take Lily in and have her warts looked at. Our pediatrician is a busy guy, so it was a 2 month wait, but Tuesday was the day. She got checked out and she's all good, except for all those warts on her hands. She had a couple frozen off during a spring time well visit last year, but warts were back in the fall. I tried to take care of them in September last year with wart pads, and it worked for some of them, but man, another one was always showing up in it's place.

Today when she went in an attempt to get these guys gone for good. Lily had 8 warts on her hands - 6 on her right palm and 2 on the top of her left hand finger. Our doctor got the nitrogen oxide and the freezing began. He had to freeze each one 3 times, so that meant 24 times for this little girl. I'm assuming the sensitive nerves in the hands can tell when there's nitrogen oxide being pin pointed at them. I think it probably hurt, and Lily was showing that it hurt, which is why I was so impressed with how tough she was. She endured the freezing by gritting her teeth and taking deep breaths, but they obviously kept hurting afterwards. She shook her hands as if shaking off water. If she shook them they didn't hurt as bad.
Let's see those warts. Hands all pink from the freezer burn.
I hope we got 'em, Lil! Later that night, they blistered up a bit. I think the skin on the palms of the hand are a bit tough...
But that wart on the thin skin on the top of her hand, that one's a gonner for sure. Big big blister all around it, looked kinda nasty.
And the next day!! Yikes! It didn't hurt but that looks like something happened to you yesterday. That ones definitely detached, he's dead.
24 hours later - palm of the hand.
I hope these all go away. Here's how they looked today.
We love ya, Lil, "warts and all..." You're a tough little witch! (Pic below from Halloween 2016) :)

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