Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Where Is Everybody?

The house is very quiet right now. I only have 5 kids here! Hyrum and Sophi through Daniel, aka SNOD, aka Sophi Natalie Owen Daniel. So where are my 11 kids? Well, let's go down the list... Joseph? He's is in Guatemala. That knowledge might become more settled as the months go by, but as for now we still have to state his name outloud when we're doing a head count to make sure we haven't missed anyone. Hooray today is Wednesday! That means we got to hear from him today, yippie! He wasn't able to send any recently taken photos but did send one that was forwarded to him from the MTC of some of the missionaries that arrived with him - they had to do two photos to get everyone, but here's the one with our handsome elder.
Two photos, Joseph is in the first picture, middle row, 3rd in on the left side - close up:
Good looking kid there. His companion Elder Mendez is same row, 2nd over on the right side. So, Joseph's gone, Mel is gone, she's in Paris for her flute thing. I was doing a video call with her on WhatsApp this evening until Daniel stole the phone and hogged the conversation...
Mel didn't mind - Daniel is cuter than the rest of us and also more entertaining to watch. Atleast until he accidentally hangs up on you. I broke the news to Mel that one of the guinea pigs is MIA. This is a first for us. They escaped their cage last night, which they do often, but usually they go hide behind the air conditioners or they go to the shed. But they weren't behind the AC and the shed door was closed... we couldn't find them. We opened the door as we searched in the dark. After 30 min or so, I found Vanilla in the shed. I think she came in as we were searching. Usually they stick together so we were hoping Carmel was close behind... we left the door open all night in hopes that Carmel would return. No sign of her today though. The kids set up traps all over the yard, which I thought was cute.
Totally ineffective, but cute. I explained to the kids who were pig hunting - the guinea pigs goal is to hide and stay hidden, so these traps in the middle of the grass aren't going to do anything. Like they set up a carrot and lettuce trap in the front yard, where she's never gone, and where she'd have to cross the open and exposed driveway to move to anyway, so I picked this up and moved the carrots to a new spot. Still, cute.
I picked up their boxes and bins and veggie piles and put piles of carrots around the fences and near bushes hoping they'd give a sign as to where she went, like if there are bite marks in the carrots or something. I texted the neighbors and they're keeping an eye out for her too. Lucky for Carmel, she eats grass, so seems like she should be able to make it on her own for a while? Good luck Carmel, we'll keep searching for you.

So, Mel in Paris, Ethan is at WORK! He is employed! He started a job yesterday at Costa Vida, he's very happy. They give him a free meal! I took him to work today. I left my cell phone and as soon as I got home, Hyrum was meeting me in the garage with it... Ethan was calling. He forgot to wear black pants, socks, and shoes and wanted me to bring him some. So I went down again. I gave him a bag of clothes. "Wait, let me take a picture!" "No." "Please!" I called as I tried to open my camera app... "No." as he continued to walk away into the restaurant. But I got him!
Hyrum's here. He's been doing very good at getting all his tasks completed each day, and rewards himself with an hour of Battlefront after dinner. Wesley left early this morning for Little Big Band Tour - he's on his way to San Diego... Wes is there walking with the blue duffle bag and trumpet case.
Abi and Lily are at a day camp for girls.
They left at 1:30 and will be back around 9. A few more pictures their leaders texted to us.
Lily in the red shorts, Abi in the black and white stripped shirt
Sophia and Natalie are here and busy playing with all the toys Natalie got yesterday. Owen and Daniel are doing their thing, Corey's working. But with just the 5 kiddos here it sure seemed quiet.
Tonight Natalie fell asleep with Daniel while they were watching the Little Mermaid.
Some good news regarding the tick today - this sent in a text from Corey to me, family, and our pediatrician: "I sent the tick that bit Natalie off to a lab in California that tested for three diseases, including lyme disease. The test were negative for all three." The kids were still bummed they couldn't torture it, but we're glad to have sent it in and have that verification.

When Ethan and Abi and Lily were all back home, we watched "Operation Toussaint" together. I watched it last night, Corey watched some of it today, and wanted the kids to see it. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Tim Ballard = Hero. Our scripture for the night was the verses in Alma that describe Captain Moroni, cause they describe Tim Ballard too. We shared Alma 48:11-17, but especially verse 17

Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.

I love Operation Underground Railroad. There are still 24 hours to sign up to watch the movie, go to to get your free pass to watch this film. God help us destroy the business of human trafficking.

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