Thursday, July 26, 2018

Organizing Picture and Video Files

I stayed up too late tonight organizing videos and pictures. Not sure how I got on this tangent. But I was poking around the drive looking for pictures from Corey's phone for a blog post, then I discovered that his pictures were in like 7 different folders and then different folders in each of those folders in our cloud drive: Pictures. Shared Pictures. Videos. Videos 1. Videos 2. Coreys Pictures. Corey's Cell Pics, Camera, Camera Roll, etc etc, ugh! There is no end to the disorder. I gotta get these organizes so I know where to find what I'm looking for...
So I've been here for a couple of hours looking through and sorting them and moving them by date into my master files which, until now, have just been my pictures for the past 10 years, but now I'm putting everyone's there by date, were I can find them and see them and so I can access them to show the kids as needed. Since I'm the main one who pays attention to organizational details like this and I'm also the main one asked to find/retrieve these type of files. So hooray, now I'll know where they are! I even just found where all the videos of Chile are from out few months there in 2010-2011, yahoo! I had a few here on the blog that I uploaded here via the "insert a video" link, but I like embedding them as youtube videos more, so now I might be uploading those to youtube and going back and embedding them. Cause some of them are family classics. Like the family bike ride in Pucón, Chile. I loved the toddlers squealing in this front basket seat.

Ah, the good ol' days. That one is now embedded here and in that original post. We'll see if going back and uploading all those videos to youtube is a project I want to tackle right now. I guess I'm a little nervous they'll get lost if I only have them here on the blog if blogger formatting changes in coming years or something like that. I feel they are safer if they're on youtube. Maybe I'll get to it. But first, it's time for bed (almost 1, yikes) and I'll come back to filing away all these videos into an organized place tomorrow. It's kinda fun, like taking a broken puzzle and putting it all together properly how it's supposed to be.

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