Friday, July 27, 2018

Owen is 3!

Today is Owen's Happy Birthday! Usually, when it is a kids' birthday, there is the sign in the window and a birthday banner and presents on the table when they wake up in the morning. But Owen is my early riser. And he watched "McQueen Mater" while I exercised. So that's what we did this morning, like we do every morning. And he could care less. So I didn't have anything ready. I hadn't even bought his presents yet when he was awake. Hyurm came to me around 10 as I was finishing up exercising... "Is today Owen's birthday?" "Yeah." "Where are his presents?!?!" "I didn't get them yet." "What the freak, Mom!" as if he feels I've violated Owen's constitutional rights of childhood. "Hey, he's 3 years old! He doesn't care! I'm taking advantage of it! I'll go get him a present after I shower!" And I did. Stocked up on diapers, wipes, and got a sweet toy for $20 bucks that has 6 cars in it! A big toy semi pulling two cars, and a truck pulling another car. When I pulled up to the house, there were 3 cars in the driveway - my mom, Corey's parents, and Owen's church teachers. The church teachers brought by a book and fruit snacks. He took the gift but didn't smile for them. He loves them at church, but maybe seeing them at our house might have been too much for his brain to handle - they are supposed to be in the nursery room at church, not at our house! After the teachers left, I talked to my mom, she'd left a pile of birthday goodies in the kitchen. So she said goodbye and we went into Corey's parent's car for Owen to sit and open presents there - Some new Micky Mouse clothes!
Owen was still working on his fruit snacks though - so his siblings helped open his other presents - a little car with Micky Mouse, a saxophone to play! Ethan showing Owen how it's done
Owen was done with his fruit snacks and was looking at the car now. So they showed the sax to Daniel.
Ok, Owen's ready for the saxophone.
Owen just likes to take things at his own pace. Like at the bounce house on Wednesday - he eventually went into the balloon room, he just needs space to do things at his own speed. He'll get to it when he's ready. So we said thank you, Daniel said "Bye, See ya!" four times, then inside to see the loot from Grandma Hibbert. Daniel was happy to eat the bunny crackers.
My mom asked me a week or so ago what Owen would like. "Any kind of car or truck toys. He esp loves McQueen and Mater". Owen's got cars galore now. Daniel was feeling pretty sad when Owen wouldn't share the McQueen that my mom got. That's when I went and got my vehicle 5 pack, which took Owen's attention straight away from McQueen and let Daniel have some McQueen time for a few moments. My present was hit, yay! I like it when Owen loves my presents. It makes me feel pretty special. He wouldn't even come over for cake. Like I just said, he likes to do things at his own pace. We had cake twice today, but the first time we didn't have candles. So we put candles in the second cake, and Owen wouldn't come away from his cars for us to sing. So we sang the birthday song a few times from a distance and we let the candles keep burning. 
I recorded a video cause it was funny, and on that last one he finally came over.

Yay! A picture for posterity. Trying to blow out the candles...
Try again, Owen! You got this!
Success! And he didn't even need help from his siblings
Happy Birthday Owen! I don't know if Owen knows it's his birthday, but he does know he got a lot of cars, and he's good with that. 
After an afternoon of playing, Owen decided it was time for a late nap - he snuggled up with his soft cars. ?
Whatever floats your boat, you're the birthday kid, we love you Owen
We are not taking Owen out for a birthday dinner date. That starts at 5 years old. So since Owen didn't need one, we took Wes out with us for date night to finish catching up on our belated birthday dinner dates. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. Good stuff. I got the Vegan Cobb Salad with 4 grilled shrimp, Wes got Orange chicken, and Corey got a Thai Chicken coconut curry dish
Now we're all caught up and we won't get behind again, cause Hyrum's birthday is next, and is close enough (2 weeks) that we shouldn't forget this tradition. School is just around the corner, less than a month away, crazy. It's good that time seems to go fast sometimes, cause that means the faster the baby will come and  the faster Joseph gets home. :)

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