Monday, July 30, 2018

Train Game

We are up at Park City this week with Corey's family. I came home this afternoon after having a horrible morning with my three toddlers. Daniel woke up at freaking 4 a.m. He was wide awake and wasn't buying my "it's still night time" shtick, but I stuck to it by not turning on the lights. In the dark, he turned his interested to the alarm clock on the night stand and was pushing buttons there. After 20 minutes clicks and lights flashing, I took the clock off the nightstand and put it under the bed and gave D a bottle hoping he'd go back to sleep, but instead he was sad and cried. Which woke up Owen. Great. So we went out and I turned on the tv for them and I tried to lay and sleep on the couch. I wasn't able to sleep and soon Natalie came out to see what was going on. 5 a.m. I was so drunk tired irritated. But I gave them cereal. After a while I went back to bed. Then I head the door open and shut, the door that I had locked before I went to try and lay down. Ugh, I got up, Natalie was out in the hall, I told her to come back in. Around 7:30 Corey woke up and took over and I took a nap and vowed to go home and have them sleep in their beds tonight. I had plans to stay this whole week cause I don't have a newborn to feed, and I'm not uncomfortably pregnant and I also don't have any caterpillars at home. I can't believe I don't have any caterpillars! Our milkweed is better than every I have over 20 plants and some of them are really big this year, but I've only seen one monarch butterfly and haven't found any eggs. I'm a little worried about the monarch butterfly population! I hope they are okay, I keep forgetting to ask my neighbors if they are having luck. Hopefully things are normal for them and our yard is just having a weird year.

I left for home earlier than I had planned - I left around 2 with Owen and Daniel. I had hardly seen any of the kids during the day. After I woke up from my morning nap, I watched Owen play with the train. Hyrum and I made Owen and Daniel a pretty sweet train track, if I do say so myself.
It was cute to watch them. Well... atleast until they started fighting and screaming bloody murder over the train cars. (Daniel has a vicious yell) When they had freaked out enough, I decided to call it good and Mel helped me take them to the car and I headed home. I've been home since 3 and have been cleaning mostly. I just put them to bed at 10:30 and read my scriptures, yay! The talks in church two weeks ago were about the Book of Mormon. I think I do a pretty good job reading, but our new Elders Quorum President said he has read the Book of Mormon every day since he was in Seminary in high school. He's married with 5 kids now. I cannot make such a claim. I haven't kept track, and doing it as a habit has been inconsistent over the years. The time and duration of my reading has been dependent on energy from pregnancy or taking care of babies and kids, which has been consistent over the past 18 years, lol. I know we've done really good at reading as a family since we were in Chile, but my personal study hasn't been as consistent since I don't have a time of day for it. So I'm not sure it's been every day. But I that night I made the resolve, once again, to do it daily and know that I've done it, so I got a new LDS Reading Chart app and it's helped to have to check it off before I go to bed. So that's going great and I have done it every day since July 15th. Tonight I just read 7 chapters in my closet while I waited for O and D to fall asleep. Now I'm going to go do a quick walk/jog on the treadmill and then I'll head to bed. Might head up tomorrow cause I have dessert that I already bought to bring up.

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