Monday, July 16, 2018

Wesley in San Diego

This morning at 1:10 a.m., I was on the freeway driving in the car. I drove the Fiesta cause it has a working bluetooth stereo, unlike my poor worn out minivan. I still call the Fiesta "Joseph's car" sometimes, but I'm practicing on just calling it "The Fiesta". So, I was driving and blasting The Greatest Showman on my way to pick up Wesley. He arrived at 1:30 am at the Soundhouse, returning triumphantly from his band tour. He went to San Diego with the Caleb Chapman's Soundhouse group Little Big Band. I don't know if Wes took pictures, but here are a few that I got off of Caleb's facebook page - here by the USS Midway museum after their performance -
Cool picture, huh! Wesley is in the front with a trumpet, his tie not tucked in and is blowing in the ocean breeze. See him? To the right of the blue guitar. A picture of them performing -
Hope they didn't get too hot there in those big black zoot suits! Oh, he just said they were dying of heat. Wes is here with me, gonna give me a quick report. His roommates were other trumpet players - Zach, Mitchell, and Nick. They spent all day Wednesday on the bus driving down. On the first day/Thursday, they spent their time at Sea World. At 5pm they left and went to the beach. He got a little burnt, or rather "tan" cause he's already gotten his burn over with at Scofield. On Friday, they went to the zoo (and "that was really boring") and then performed at Balboa Park, and that was fun but they were really sweaty. On Saturday, they went to the USS Midway Museum and performed there. Sunday they spent all day driving home. At one stop for food, the bus went to get gas and got a flat tire and they had to wait an extra hour. That contributed to them not arriving until 1:30, but if my memory serves me right, every year they seem to arrive back home in the wee hours of the morning. Luckily, last night, I wasn't feeling that great, and Corey was over at his parent's house with all the kids, so I took a power nap from like 7 - 10 pm, so I was okay to do the 1 a.m. drive down. I was blasting Greatest Showman mostly for fun, not to keep myself awake. It was my one chance to sing at the top of my lungs without worrying about being seen. :) Songs I loved the most last night - The Greatest Show, Come Alive, and This Is Me! We listened to the Killers on the way home in between Wes telling me about tour and we arrived home safely at 2:11 (thanks for keeping stats for me, Life 360).

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