Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Melodie in Paris

Mel sent me a few pictures over the weekend, showing all the fun stuff she's doing in Paris. She is having a very good time and has been safe, which is good cause this is her first time off on an adventure by herself. (They were instructed to not leave their rooms on Sunday after France won the World Cup, people in France were going crazy)
Joseph's trip to Chile for 3 weeks in 2015 was harder for him than he thought it would be, but looking back he says that was a great prep for serving a mission. He called Corey like everyday (with us in Brazil and him in Chile, we had a huge roaming bill on our cell phones that month!) Mel hasn't seemed to be desperate for contact with us.
Corey might have preempted it though, he's been checking in with her frequently.
So she is there for the Da Capo Alliance Flute class.
And then there's all the fun tourist-y things she gets to do on the side, fun!
I'll just post the pictures...
I'll let Mel update this later with who is who and what is what.
 Although I can tell that this one above is ice cream.
But I've never been to Paris, France, or Europe. Thanks for reppin' the Corey Wride clan, Mel!

We're excited to hear all about her trip when she gets home this weekend.

She flies back home on Saturday. Leaves Paris at 8:30 am, arrives in LA at 7:30, then here in SL at 11:35.
That'll be a long flight. It will be good to have her home. (I miss my extra drivers!)

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