Friday, August 3, 2018

Alpine Drive

I've had a nice day at home doing laundry and planning and cleaning with my two little friends in tow. This will be what the school year is like, I guess I'm ready for it. This afternoon around 4:00 Mel brought Wesley home from Park City because he had a video recording with his jazz band. It was at "Little Mill". I didn't know what that was, but saw that it was in Alpine, so just the usual 45 min drive probably. I got Owen and Daniel in the car, but didn't put shoes on them, cause I figured I'd take them to Costco while we waited for Wes. It was just 90 minutes, so not enough time for the bounce house or anything. We got in the car and I put "Little Mill" into google maps and off we went. There was an accident on I-15 so we went over traverse ridge. It was a nice drive. Wesley asked if we could go that way everytime, he found it much more enjoyable and relaxing. I did too, so maybe we can. We were running late though, and I didn't realize until we were 15 min away from it that it was up in American Fork Canyon. Hm, I guess I'm not going to have time to do a Costco run or any grocery run. When we got there it took about another 10 min to figure out where Wes and hia group were supposed to be. All set, and I needed to be back in an hour to pick him up. So, how do I kill an hour up here? I guess we'll go on a drive up the Alpine loop. I love this drive in the fall. The weather is not there yet, so no amazing colors, but still a beautiful drive in the mountains, even with all the smoke in the air. We didn't make it to the Timp Trailhead, but found a small place to pull off and I let my two captive toddlers out of their carseats. No shoes, so we didn't hike, cause I didn't want to carry both of them. We found a place with rocks and we killed time throwing rocks into the tall grass. Owen was funny, as we walked along the asphalt, he would pick up a small rock/pebble in front of him and toss it over his shoulder behind him, like was trying to clear the way for future shoeless pedestrians, but didn't seem to realize he was undoing his hard work with each throw over his shoulder. It was funny.
It was just up their ally. Nothing better than playing in dirt and throwing rocks.
So we did that for 15 minutes then we got back in the car, turned around, and went back to pick up Wes.
Mel practiced flute while we were gone, and waited for Wes to get back, then they headed back up to Park City. I'm going to head up tomorrow to help us all clean up and pack up and check out. And of course to give Owen one more train session. Too bad he just had his birthday! Owen, I promise, if we had known you loved trains, we would have gotten you some! Now you gotta wait like a whole year, so sad. Maybe Daniel will get some for his birthday next month and will share them with you!

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