Thursday, August 2, 2018

Traintime, Swimtime, Naptime

Last night was another tolerable night, sleeping wise. I slept out with Owen on the pull out couch. EthanHyrumWes took Daniel in their room and locked us out. I assumed they survived the night. They use the blackout curtains and so they slept in pretty late, but yes, they were all still alive. After Owen woke up and ate breakfast, can you guess the first words out of his mouth? That's right! "Train!" Ok Owen, we'll go to your train track. I'm getting pretty good at building a good track.
Not as good as Hyrum. He was the brilliant mind behind bringing the track up onto the little logs surrounding the table. Just the right height. But they do slide off a bit, so I had to be there to repair the track for our train engineer should the need arise. I felt a little bit like I think God might feel with us...
Owen was busy in his own world, like I and most of the human race probably is. Owen was pretty oblivious to the fact that I was watching him constantly. I would fix the track when I could see where it was weak or about to break. I would walk around and make modifications to it when he had complaints or requests, and sometimes came in and rearranged things to make them better for him, when I could tell what he liked or what he struggled with - like the whole train would fall if it was too sharp of a corner. It would be easier if he just got a shorter train, but he wanted to use all 12 cars, so I tried to go around the corners and make them wider turns for him so his train wouldn't fall off the track. I could see how he wanted the train and what he wanted it to be doing. And I tried to help. He didn't thank me much, but I was happy to do it. He worked hard, I watched and worked with him.
Do you see the God/human race parallels in that analogy? I want to recognize God's hand and all the does for me. He's nice. And when he was tired, I took him back to rest in the room and he lay down on the couch for a late nap. Cute kid.
I ran into the rest of my kids now and then - a rare shot of Lily and Natalie at the computer in the Mine watching Elves videos. Kids all safe and accounted for. While Owen slept I snuck out and took a few pictures of our little swimmer Daniel having fun in the pool with Hyrum.
It was a joy to watch. Daniel kept getting little mouthfulls of pool water to quench his thirst, silly kid.
I took a little video of them

It was so cute how he'd float around on his tummy, kicking his little feet behind him, or how he'd flip his feet under to turn himself around to get away from H. He's a fun little guy.
When D got back and asked or a bottle, so I gave him one, then he stayed there in the kitchen with it. I could soon hear deep breathing. He fell asleep face down on the kitchen tile. That can't be very comfortable...
I picked him up and put him on the bed for a very late nap, might mess up bedtime tonight... Corey had to go in to work down in the valley today and took Mel with him cause she had a flute lesson this afternoon, so I was on duty all day. I might wake up Daniel in a bit and then head home tonight after Corey and Mel get back, hopefully he'll fall asleep in the car on the ride home and we'll be able to have a normal at home schedule tomorrow.

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