Wednesday, August 22, 2018

First Day at Elementary School

Back to school for the elementary girls today -
I walked them to the bus stop after we took come pictures.  I usually get a group shot and call it good, but I guess I was feeling ambitious cause I did individual shots and quick profiles too, go me.
Abi's earrings were a sculpy creation that Melodie made -
Abi's got two little blue hippos biting her ears. 
Lily - She usually wears baggy sweat pants or sport shorts, but today she stepped things up and borrowed a pair of Sophi's skinny jeans. Looking trendy Lil!
Her profile shot - trying to recreate her "cheesy grin" from her toddler years. Nice.
Sophi - after a year of kindergarten successfully behind her, Sophi is ready for a full day.
Abi helped Sophi with her hair and Sophi wanted to take a cold lunch, so she made that for herself too, with Abi's help, cute girl.
At the bus stop - standing in line - 
All the moms and a few dad's taking pictures, we've got such a great group of kids in our neighborhood, it's fun.
We're on the hunt for a van. Yesterday it was making a bad noise when I took the kids to and end of summer party with friends. Corey took it in to the shop today after dropping off the Churchill kids. Our 2003 Chrysler Town and Country needs a new engine. That's gonna cost more than the car, plus ti's 15 years old, (almost make it to 200K miles!) so, we're gonna let it die peacefully and are looking to get a new one. Started looking around online a bit today, Corey's doing more work than I am. I did take a facebook poll, looks like with all the comments from my mom friends that the Honda Odyssey is the clear winner. I remember a friend and her Odyssey from years ago, I think I've always wished for one. So we might do it, wow, all my motherhood wishes will now be fulfilled, haha.

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