Thursday, August 23, 2018

Waiting Her Turn

Well, everyone is in school now. ...except Natalie. This little up and coming kindergartner has to wait a few more days, she gets to start on Monday. Today she did get to go over and meet with her teacher though, so that was fun. Her teacher is Mrs. Oliverson. That name is a little hard for kindergarteners, so she's told them they can call her Mrs. O. That's a bit easier. I waited with Owen and Daniel druing her orientation. At first we all went in, but then Owen and Daniel started to be stinkers, so we went out into the hall. But Owen left his lion Louie in the classroom. I told him we'd get Louie in a minute. Another mom who was waiting tried to comfort Owen, asking if Louie was going to go to school. I could tell that she thought that Louie was my child that was going to be in kindergarten. No, it's his stuffed lion. He's kinda attached. His sister Natalie is going to school. Then Natalie came out and we talked to the teacher for just a second as she greeting Natalie's little brothers. "Are you the oldest?" Mrs. O asked Natalie. "I think so..." was her reply. Should I talk about this? Cause I know what the reaction would be. "She's not the oldest. She's actually my 9th child..." WHAT?!?! Mrs. O and the other mom in the hall couldn't believe it. "Yeah," I said pointing to my tummy "...this is #12..." It's kinda a conversation starter/killer/neon-sign-with-flashing-lights thing to say. Which is why I never bother at the store, if I'm out Owen and Daniel and someone makes small talk - "Oh, what are you having?" A boy "That will be so fun, 3 boys!!!" Yes, I have 3 boys, that's it, haha. No need to correct anyone. If I have my older kids with me, they like to point out the truth "We have 11 kids!" Shh! Don't rat us out! Corey talks about when we were in Chile, and he'd be trying to talk about his business, and then someone who knew would pipe up and say "HE HAS SEVEN KIDS!!" and that quickly jumped up to dominate the conversation and it was the end of talking about the business... Poor guy. Anyway, yeah, Natalie, you're not the oldest. It was fun to see her classroom, and she shared her cookies with her little brothers just like Sophi did last year. (Did that year just fly by for anyone else?!?) So, Natalie, you get to start school on Monday and that will be exciting. We got home and she spent time painting pictures this afternoon - making pretty pictures while she kills time.
It was also cute to see her reading a Friend magazine.
I'll miss her when she starts, but I guess she's excited about it and wants to, so I'll let her go. I'm glad it's just half day though, and that it will be afternoon. That means she can still sleep in and get her beauty rest.

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