Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Floatie Natural

I came back up to Park City last night cause it was our turn for dessert, and I had left it at home on Sunday. So I came back up and stayed the night. Daniel did pretty good, so we'll probably stay another night. Tonight we're in charge of dinner, so yeah, going to stay tonight and then we'll decide about tomorrow tomorrow. I took Daniel swimming today, which was fun. We were playing in the hot tub, and then one of the Marriott employees brought me over some arm floaties for Daniel, which was nice. I put them on and he did a great job! Like, Owen just barely got to this floatie level this past May! Daniel, you're already there! You're a natural! Then the guy brought us over a life jacket too. Daniel seemed to do better with just the floaties, so I tried to take off the jacket, but he got mad at me.
So I let him be and he did fine.
You're a natural swimmer, little D! Way to go. In some ways Daniel seems older/braver/more mature than Owen. But I know it's just that they are different - different personalities and different characters.
After Daniel was done swimming, we went back in, got dressed, and joined Owen at his train station.
Yeah, it belongs to the resort, but Owen thinks it belongs to him. Luckily there aren't too many toddlers that come around to challenge him for it, so Owen had pretty much had it to himself the past two days. Lucky kid. He likes that train! The rest of the kids have been swimming and busy doing things. I hardly have seen them. I did catch Abi and her cousin Alix busy drawing pictures in the Mine.
Smile for the camera!
I don't see the kids much cause I'm on toddler duty. Sometimes I do catch the older kids and they help me, as Hyrum did here when he took a turn chasing Daniel down the hall and bringing him back to the Mine.
One thing that is hard about being up here is that there are so many exits and directions for these toddlers to go and get lost in. So I'm on constant alert and don't get a break. Even in our room, Owen can open the door or someone else will be coming and going and let them escape, and then it's back out to the hall to chase them or follow them around. I did get a break from toddler duty when I made dinner. But I haven't been able to exercise or shower or have much of a time out. One reason why I might head home tomorrow, I just need to have a breather - let them play with toys at home and and know they aren't going to run and get lost somewhere. Anyway, it's fun up here, but is hard with the 4 and under crowd that usually tags along with me.

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