Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Playground Helper and Food Pics

Corey took the little kids to the park this evening. We're lucky that in Abi we have a little kid that is such a big helper. For example, she's still excited to go play at the park and to do the little things like ride on the teeter totter (here she is as a blur on the ride up...)
But she's also willing to give up her spot her little brothers when she sees that they're frustrated with their inability to use the equipment properly. She lets them come take her spot -
Abi to the rescue!!
She is such a good big sister. She's like the oldest sibling of the second group of our kids.
We are so lucky to have her!

A few other pictures of food... usually we hear from Joseph on Wednesdays, but it was Monday this past week. He has been gone for 2 months. He's doing well and he had his first baptism of someone that he had taught. Last week we honored Joseph by sharing a little fruit that he had told us about that I finally got at the store. A little hairy fruit... I didn't know what it was called, so I googled "spikey fruit" and looked for it's image. Found out it's called "Rambutan" - which is from a Malaysian word "rambant" which means "hair".
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), fruit (with peel and peeled)
It took me a few weeks to get to it, but my sister told me that she saw at Harmons in Draper the fruits that Joseph talked about.  He shared a pic of these little fruits, said they taste like a grape. The kids tried it out this past weekend - they are the hairy little things in the bowl up front.
Everyone smile, we'll send Joseph this picture of us eating the same food as him -
Mel tried it first. 
They kinda taste like grapes, but are in a tougher peel/shell. And they have a bigger pit/seed inside.
The kids all tried it, they didn't all finish it.
They were a little skeptical
Still, it was a fun experiment to try food that Joseph is eating, and provided a bit of mission preparation for the younger kids too. When I bought the rambutan, I thought I'd try out the other weird looking fruits they had there too - this kiwano. That one looked too weird for anyone to trust, so I ate all of it, and Daniel helped me a bit too.
He's such a healthy kid.
Ok, last pics - a few from last week - here's Daniel showing the proper way to eat a piece of bread - center first.
And then you rub your pb hands in your hair.
Be sure to look cute at your mom while you do it, she'll love it.

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