Thursday, August 30, 2018

Panorama Test

So, a little more details about the ultrasound on Tuesday. It was a thorough exam, took over an hour. One nurse did all the screening, then a doctor came in and looked at it all again and explained some of what they saw. She said there were a few markers for genetic defects. It happens with age, and I'm at risk cause I'm so old. The markers were: too much amniotic fluid, fists clenched for more than an hour, and some measurement on the brain was measuring 2 weeks behind development. These are all markers for a possible "trisomy" (that was the new word for the day). Trisomy means there are 3 chromosomes instead of the usual pair of chromosomes. The most common is Trisomy 21, which is Down Syndrome. The smaller the chromosomes, the less threatening/dangerous the complications. So 21 is a small m and babies with three chromosome 21/Down Syndrome can life long lives. Two others - Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18, are more life threatening and can cause more problems since they are larger chromosomes. Most of those children die before age 1 according to that website. Trisomy 13 is called Patau Syndrome, Trisomy 18 is Edwards Syndrome. So, yay, I kinda wish we didn't have to go back in for more ultrasounds or tests, but it's the curse/blessing of living in this technological society. We had ultrasound worries with Mel I remember, and with Owen. I think I got all of the worry and drama of the unknown out of myself that time, so I'm doing fine with this potentially worrisome news. I can't remember if there were any concerns with ultrasounds of the other kids. It appears Daniel's ultrasound was uneventful. No scare with him, atleast not any that I recorded, so if there was a worry I had at the time, it has been forgotten since I didn't write anything down (which is what will happen to my whole life if I don't type things up here, hence why I keep a blog) So whatever happens to the baby, we will love him and he will be a blessing. They want me to come in for a follow up ultrasound to check anatomy and growth in 3 weeks. My doctor called yesterday to go over the ultrasound with me, and I scheduled a Panorma test for today at Corey's request, "cost of living with modern medicine." I loaded up the kids and we went in. I had to go pick up the lab kit and sign for it at my dr. office, then took it down to the lab. Daniel kept trying to escape.
PBS kids app to the rescue. Owen held it while I went in to get my shot.
They stayed put, glued to the phone, while I got my blood drawn. Yay. That was all we needed to do, let's go back home.

Oh, and in case you didn't watch the video from Tuesday's post, we're having a boy. Some of the kids seemed unhappy about it - "It's a boy!?!?" said Lily with a frown and disappointment in her voice, "No! Now it's uneven!!!" said Ethan (he was joking) I know it's not really a big deal to any of them, they'll all love him to pieces just fine, but yeah, it's a boy. So these little toddler guys will be taking over. I told Lily it's okay, we'll just have two more kids and make sure they are both girls (cause we have total control over things like that!) then it will be 7-7.  I said that as a joke, Corey was in the room and walked by with this expression when he heard my comment -
Ha. So that's all the ultrasound info I've got at the moment, we should get the Panorama test results within a week. Although with Owen, they didn't get enough blood or something to do the test so I had to go back in and get my blood drawn again. We'll see if that happens this time. Other than that, today was just a normal life day. After coming back from the blood draw, we had vegan pizza for lunch. A neighbor called and gifted us a bag of freshly picked peaches. Natalie headed to the bus. Corey checked Sophi out of school early for her first violin lesson. She'll check out every Thursday at 2:00 and miss art to go take lessons from a friend of Corey's from high school who is a great violinist. So Corey said he'll own that job. Wesley has his audition for Little Big Band at the Soundhouse, Ethan drove him down cause Eth has his sax lesson with Ray down there in Utah county. Eth enjoys driving and Corey passed him off on the clutch, so he's happy and enjoying feeling independent. Our two caterpillars are big now and I hope they do okay with the next step in their metamorphosis, unlike our caterpillar #1 from this year. I've been trying to catch up on going over family finances and cleaning a little. The house is in a state of clutter though. I just need to get rid of all the boxes of junk. Lots to do.

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