Sunday, September 30, 2018

Corey's September Photos

Sunday is a good day for me to take Corey's phone and get the pictures of our life that he's taken. He's got a whole 'nother side of the family story that I wish could be blogged, but he's not doing it, and it's hard enough for me to keep up with the pictures I take and version I'm aware of. So, I'll try to get them when I can, but to future historians, just know that he probably had more picture than I do. Here are a few from this past month - He usually takes the kids out for their birthday to buy a toy. Here is the toy Sophi got when she went with Corey to the store a few days after her 7th birthday.
This is a toy that I would not have purchased, even if she asked me. If I knew she wanted it I probably would have tried to convince her reasons why it would not be good and why I doubt she'll even really use it, it will just sit on a shelf taking up space. Oh well for me, good things kids have dads.
Corey had turned Sophi's violin lessons over to Melodie. Here they are practicing at home on Sept 14th.
Corey still picks Sophia up from school and takes her to the lesson, but Melodie hurries and meets them there after school gets out and goes into the lesson with her and takes notes. Then Mel drops Sophi off at Corey's parents house and then Mel goes to her flute lesson at the U of U at 3:30. It's a tight schedule and, like I said, seems like a bit much to take on, but we're doing it. (Thursdays are busy!) On Thursdays Ethan also has his saxophone lesson in Orem at 4:30 for an hour, so Mel, Eth, and Hyrum leave school and go to the violin lesson, where Mel keeps a car and Corey, Ethan, and Hyrum leave back to Corey's parents, then Corey stays there to work and Hyrum does yard work for Corey's parents, and Ethan takes a car and comes home to get his sax stuff, then he leaves for his lesson. Ethan then goes straight to Special Needs Mutual - something Melodie did her junior year, though I don't think I ever blogged anything about it. It's a church calling to be a "buddy" to an adult with special needs.... they get together at 7 for 90 minutes and do an activity. Melodie goes to her flute lesson from 3:30 - 4:30, then she heads back to pick up Corey, Hyrum, and Sophia at Grandma Wride's house. Sometimes she has an extra chamber rehearsal or something, so Corey, H and S stay longer at his parents' house. Kinda crazy busy, but that's what our Thursday after school schedules look like right now!

And a picture of what our evening family scripture study looks like on many nights - everyone sitting at the landing at the top of the stairs. This from September 17th.
Corey was sharing some video on the tablet. Videos usually help everyone focus and listen.
They usually don't all have their heads up - often there are people laying with their heads down, I do wish we did better at this and it was more reverent/worshipful, but we try.

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