Monday, October 1, 2018

Follow Up Ultrasound

Hooray hooray, 24 weeks of pregnancy was completed today - yay, the 2nd trimester is DONE. I'm 2/3rds of my way through this forever pregnant groundhog day I'm living in, just one more trimester. But it's the long home stretch, the dreaded third trimester, where time slows down to a snail pace. I'm hoping that this pregnancy will be an exception to the last 7 pregnancies in memory - that the time will keep chugging along nicely with the fall and then winter holidays right around the corner. I've had summer or fall babies for the past 15 years, so I'm excited to have a winter baby again. I think January is the perfect time for a baby. September is the worst (unfortunately I've got 3 of those). January is very appropriate and fun too since that's Joseph's birthday, so that makes this little one a nice and official replacement for our missing first born.

What else, so more pregnancy stuff - I went on a walk this morning, I was jogging and feeling good keeping it up for almost 10 minutes, I was ready to take the jog uphill, but then I tripped over a curb when I was moving into the street to avoid some sprinklers on the sidewalk, cause I didn't want to slip, so I my moving made me get what I was trying to avoid. I almost caught myself but then I hit the ground. My hands didn't get it back but my left knee got a good scratch. It didn't tear through my pants, but darn it, I was shaking my head at myself and walked almost the rest of the way home, except that I was kinda far from my starting point and had to hurry to be back to take Wes to school, so I did jog a little bit more, but mostly was speed walking. I've been here before, where I've fallen or had a hit with kids in utero... with baby Joseph I was in a small car accident - I got hit when a girl ran a red light and spent a day in the hospital to monitor him. In July 2003 with Hyrum in utero, I tripped over a curb up at Park City when we were checking in with Corey's family - so then I turned around and headed back to the valley to go to be monitored. Then, lastly, in Brazil we had an exciting evening with Wesley choking, I ran to save him and tripped with baby Owen inside. So then we were able to go to the ER there. It was less expensive in Brazil than it is here, and I didn't have to stay to be monitored for long, just a quick look with the ultrasound. So... here we go again, being the responsible bearer of children that I am. I would have been mad about going in, but good thing I already had an ultrasound scheduled for today, so yay!  Everything placenta wise looked good with baby, 3 of the 4 concerns they had last ultrasound looked normal today, yay. My amniotic fluid still measured high, she gave me a thing to come back in 4 weeks but I didn't stop at the desk to schedule it. I already did the Panorama test, that came back all low risk, I don't want to go test and poke around for whatever numbers they want to take and measure anymore. So I'm in charge, I'm going to tell my dr. I don't want to go in again. We'll see if he lets me have my way. But since I have the bad condition of AMA maybe they won't let me (Advanced Maternal Age! I'm so old)

One cool thing about today's ultrasound was that she gave me some 3D pictures of our little guy.
So cool!!!

After she did those first two scans, he gave us a little grin, awww!!
A few more head shots -
One of the concerns last time was his hands, that they were in fists, so she did the 3D images as another way to see his hands. better.
A few of them were in fists -
But like in this one below, she said it was good, his hands looked opened and relaxed. So all good news today. Good job baby.
Later today - Daniel down for his nap, he always goes down so easily, he's been a piece of cake kid. So cute to see him snuggling with his "baby"
Owen is becoming less high maintenance for his father. Corey told me that yes, he does feel that their relationship is less dysfunctional (last paragraph). That's good. That'll give Corey about a 3 month break until I have to pass Daniel off to him when this baby arrives. And I think Daniel might be easy on him, fingers crossed. Cute boys, it's fun having these cute little friends.

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