Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Daniel is 2!

Today is Daniel's birthday, our 3rd and final September birthday. It was a pretty chill morning for me as birthday mom - no last minute errands to the store. Oh, if every child could be as easy to please and have such low expectations as a 2 year old. I gave Daniel most of his gifts during the past 2 weeks, whenever I felt like it might help him and Owen play nicely and/or stop fighting (not necessarily the same thing). So, Daniel had already been given his red wiggle car two weeks ago. I also already gave him some little Melissa and Doug wooden train cars. Owen has also pretty much claimed those, but Daniel seems to be okay with that. He and Owen fought a little bit over the new toys Corey's parent's gave to Daniel - 
As for me, today I didn't give him anything, and he was not upset with me and didn't tell me he was entitled to special treatment cause it was his birthday. I also didn't buy him junk or make him a cake OR buy him ice cream! We did go to the park this evening, and he liked that.
We went and played at a park by my parent's house while we waited for Abi to finish soccer practice. Daniel had fun for about an hour until we wouldn't let him go kick the ball with Abi at her teammates. Her practice went for 90 min, so we had about 30 min that we needed to hold him at bay.
He was mad we wouldn't let him go join in their scrimmage. So that wasn't very nice of us to do that to a birthday boy. We tried to play under the pine trees and in the tennis court.
Under the trees was pretty cool! If one of our pine trees looked like this underneath, it would definitely have come a kid club house by now.
The kids helped a lady throw a ball to her German Shepard, that was fun and kept Daniel distracted, I continued to watch the clock and endure, and then Abi was finally done and we could go - we loaded up and went to my parent's house.
Daniel followed his sisters instructions and obediently sat on the floor for his presents.
They took turns helping him tear off the wrapping paper
Then finally a birthday treat - we went into the back yard to eat cupcakes.
My cute little boys

So here is Daniel's two year old birthday shot with a messy frosting face -
Daniel, you need to smile! This is your birthday cake pic!
That's better, one more... Oh cute...
I think his sisters taught him how to tilt his head to one side like that. You're super cute Daniel.
Before we went to the park and practice, the children were saying things like "Grandma Hibbert's house?!? We haven't been there in years!! That might be true.
It might also be why thy were so intrigued by things that might have been normal had we been there more often, like a pillow (Lily) and Daniel playing with a small rock collection.
We didn't stay too long cause it's a school night. Time to load up kiddos.
I'm glad we went easy on the treats today, and I'm glad that we have a birthday junk food break until Mel's birthday in December. I'm always trying to make policy, and my new policy is that ice cream is just a birthday treat around here. No worries for my deprived children, I'm sure it will miraculously pop up several times anyway. Treats and goodies always do appear around here as if by magic. They love birthday magic. Hope you had a good birthday little D, may you stay as sweet during your 3rd year of life as you have been in your second year.

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