Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sink Fixed

Good news of the day - our kitchen sink got fixed! Thank you Stott Plumbing, and thanks to my mom for the recommendation. I shall use them again, I'm glad to find a good plumber. The sink was clogged several weeks/months ago, gosh I don't even remember how long it's been, but I got a plunger to try and force the clog out, which made the seal under the sink break, duh, shouldn't have done that. So ever since then the drain have just been kinda hanging there under the sink, kept in place just by it's pipe attachment to the wall. I've been telling the kids not to pour anything down that side, and usually forgot, so I had a pan underneath the sink to catch the drips. Over the summer I was doing really good at getting one household thing fixed a week for a few weeks there, until we got the new van, and since then the payments for the van have taken most of our budget's discretionary income. But over a month later, and I've gotten a handle on it and we might get to start saving for household maintenance again. (We've needed a new dishwasher for years, maybe we'll finally get it! My goal is by Christmas, fingers crossed.

Not much else to report, but so that I have a picture to go with this post - here is Lily doing a more art last Saturday-
Such a serious artist - These are for her to give to others, as her wall is already too full of artwork (last pics on this post).

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